Contact Hollie Welch at with updates to the customer service guide.
Other Directories:
- Departmental Directory - lists employees by bureau/work unit
- Alphabetical Directory - lists employees by last name
Program | Contact |
21st Century Community Learning Centers | |
21st Century Skills: Financial and Civic Literacy | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
21st Century Skills: Health Literacy | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
21st Century Skills: Employability Skills | Heather Meissen 515-336-3958 |
4+ Services (Special Education) | Kelsey Teeter 515-975-7332 |
Program | Contact |
Accelerating Learning | Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
Accommodations and Accessibility for ISASP | Jennifer Denne 515-326-5332 |
Accounting (LEA & AEA) | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
ACHIEVE | Shannon Grundmeier 515-402-8742 |
Achievement Gaps | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 |
ACT (American College Testing) | 319-337-1270 |
Administrative Law Judge | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Administrative Rules Calendar | |
Administrative Rules Coordinator | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Administrator and Teacher Evaluations | Stephanie TeKippe 515-326-5333 |
Administrator Mentoring and Inclusion | Stephanie TeKippe 515-326-5333 |
Administrator Licensure (Educator Licensure) | 515-281-3587 Joanne Tubbs |
Administrator Preparation | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Adolescent Health | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Advisor for Iowa State Advisory Councils on Military Education (ACME) | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
AEA Accreditation | Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
AEA Budgets | Jina Brincks 515-313-5942 |
AEA Media Directors | Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
AEA Reorganization | Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
After School Snack Program | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Agriculture Education | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
Allowable Costs, K-12 and AEA, Regular | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Allowable Costs, K-12 and AEA, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Alt ELPA | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Alt ELPA Screener | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Alternate Assessment | Jennifer Denne 515-326-5332 |
Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt ELPA) | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Alternate English Language Proficiency Standards | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
American Rescue Plan | Tim Glenn 515-205-7650 |
Amish Exception | Buffy Campbell 515-954-8651 |
Analysis | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 |
Annual Notices and Deadlines | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Appeal Decisions/Procedures, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Apprenticeships | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Architecture and Construction Careers | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Arts, Communication and Information Systems | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Athletic Eligibility | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Attendance | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Attendance Center Rankings Public Site | Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 Kiran Ummadi 515-577-6079 |
Audiology | Tori Carsrud 515-577-7894 |
Audit Adjustments in Certified Enrollment and Supplementary Weighting | |
Autism Services | Wendy Trotter 515-822-3469 |
Program | Contact |
Background Checks for Educator Licensure | Danielle Brookes 515-281-3482 |
Basic Education Data Survey (BEDS) | Jay Pennington Shelly Neese |
BEDS Data Requests | Shelly Neese 515-336-3859 |
Before and After School Programs | |
Beginning Teacher Mentoring and Induction | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Behavior | Kay Augustine Lyn Jenkins |
Biliteracy Seal | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Bloodborne Pathogen Training Requirements and Services | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Blue Ribbon Schools | Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 |
Board of Educational Examiners Secretary | Meredith Hawk 515-281-5849 |
Board of Educational Executive Director | Mike Cavin 515-281-4810 |
Board Officer Data Collection | Holli Marolf 515-281-5812 |
Bond Issues | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Branstad State Fair Scholarship Review Team | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
Budget Guarantee/Adjustment | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
Budgets (AEAs and LEAs) | Jina Brincks 515-313-5942 |
Bullying and Harassment | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Buses | Tom Simpson 515-336-3965 |
Business Education, Finance, Marketing and Management | |
Business Outreach | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Program | Contact |
Career Academies | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Career and Academic Planning Education | Erica Wood Schmitz 515-330-0185 |
Career and Technical Education (CTE) | |
Career and Technical Education, Data & Reporting | Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
Career and Technical Education (Educator Licensure) | David Wempen 515-281-3605 |
Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance – Secondary and Postsecondary | Jeff Fletcher 515-321-7309 |
Career Pathways | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Cares Act | Tim Glenn 515-205-7650 |
Carl D Perkins Federal Grant | Jeff Fletcher 515-321-7309 |
Categorical Funding, Uses of | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Central Rivers AEA, School Improvement Consultant | Dennis McClain 515-822-2554 |
Certified Annual Report (CAR) Reporting, Edits and Assistance | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
Certified Budgets | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
Certified Enrollment | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 |
Certified Enrollment, Nonpublic Services | Jennifer Thomas 515-725-2252 |
Chart of Accounts (COA) LEA and AEA Operations | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
Charter Schools | 515-681-2310 Tom Bredfield |
Check and Connect | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Chief Financial Officer, Department of Education | 515-250-3728 |
Chief of Staff, Internal Operations | |
Chief Operating Officer | Deborah Elder 515-669-1157 |
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) | Julie Breshears 515-829-2101 Cheryl Tolley 515-681-2304 |
CACFP Home Sponsors | 515-681-2306 |
CACFP Independent and Center Sponsors | 515-681-2302
Child Development Coordinating Council | Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 |
Child Nutrition Program | Ellen Miller 515-238-4220 |
Choose Iowa Recipe Development | Brenda Windmuller 515-681-5752 |
Civil Rights, National School Lunch Program | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Civil Rights, Data Collection | Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
Civil Rights, Title VI | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Claims, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Claims, School Food Services | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Closed Colleges- Transcripts | 319-335-0229 |
Coaching Caregivers in Family-Guided Routines-Based Intervention | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Coaching Licensure (Educator Licensure) | Kelly Faga 515-281-6896 |
Collaborative for the Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency | Jennifer Denne 515-326-5332 |
College Savings Iowa | 888-672-9116 |
College Student Aid Commission (ICSAC) | 515-901-9924 515-281-8260 |
Commodity Foods Distribution | Sarah White 515-360-1494 |
Common Core of Data (CCD) Fiscal Coordinator | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Common Core of Data (CCD) Non-Fiscal | Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
Common Course Numbering System, CC | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Communications Director. Department of Education | Heather Doe 515-281-7967 |
Community College Accreditation | Amy Gieseke Heather Meissen |
Community College Business Officers Liaison | Amy Gieseke 515-858-2234 |
Community College Career & Technical Education Deans – Liaison | |
Community College Chief Student Services Administrators Liaison | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Community College Complaints | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Community College Data Reporting | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 |
Community College Diversity/Equity/Non-traditional/STEM | Jeanette Thomas 515-745-2556 |
Community College Institutional Researchers Liaison | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 |
Community College Program Approval and Review | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Community College Strategic Plans and Quality Faculty Plans | Amy Gieseke Robin Lilienthal |
Community College Work-Based Learning | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Community College Economic Developers Liaison | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
Community College Equity | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Community College Management Information System (MIS) | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
Community College Program Approval | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Community College Technical Assistance - Student Issues Document Review and Update | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Community Learning Centers (Before and After School Programs) | |
Comprehensive System of Personnel Development - Birth – Five | |
Computer Science (Standards and Instruction) | 515-238-6780 |
Condition of Education Report | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 Betsy Lundy 515-473-0573 |
Condition of Education Report, Fiscal Data | Jina Brincks 515-313-5942 |
Conditional Licensure - Administrators (Educator Licensure) | 515-281-3587 Mike Cavin |
Conditional Licensure - Regular Education (Educator Licensure) | David Wempen 515-281-3605 |
Conditional Licensure - Special Education (Educator Licensure) | Geri McMahon 515-281-3437 |
Conditions for Learning Survey | |
Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) | Robert Barleen Eric Heitz Mike Wright |
Consolidated State Performance Report | Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
Consolidated Application for Federal Title Programs | |
Content Creator, Department of Education | Shaela Meister 515-858-2235 |
Contracts, Department of Education | Jill Borgeson 515-205-4754 |
Coordinated Early Intervening Services | John Lee 515-281-5733 |
Correctional Education, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Corrections Education | Peggy Long 515-975-8398 |
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations | Tim Glenn 515-205-7650 |
Counseling (Educator Licensure) | Kelly Faga 515-281-6896 |
Course to College | 515-725-3446 |
Course to College Coaching/AmeriCorps | 515-979-8265 |
Crisis Planning, Intervention and Response | Nancy Hunt 515-326-1031 |
Program | Contact |
Data Analysis, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Data Based Decision Making | Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 Connor Hood 515-326-5284 Stacie Stokes 515-238-5731 |
Data Processing Tools, Community Colleges | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 |
Data Requests | Betsy Lundy 515-473-0573 Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 |
Data Support, Community Colleges | Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
Data Warehouse (EdInsight) | Alex Arockiasamy 515-494-9695 Mike Comiskey 515-494-9083 Roger Petersen 515-326-1020 Kiran Ummadi 515-577-6079 |
Davis Bacon Act | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tori Carsrud 515-577-7894 |
Desk Audits | Tom Bredfield Buffy Campbell Mickolyn Clapper Andrea Danker Eric Heitz Dennis McClain Sara Nickel Pam Spangler |
Developmental Education | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Differentiated Accountability | Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 Stacie Stokes 515-238-5731 Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
Direct Certification Services | Jennifer Thomas 515-725-2252 Becca Wemhoff 515-975-0812 |
Disaster Assistance and Emergency Management | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Displaced Students | Isbelia Arzola 515-326-5962 |
Dispute Resolution Support (Hearings, Meditations, Complaints for Special Education) | |
Dissolution | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Dissolution Notification | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Distance Learning | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 |
District Cost Per Pupil (LEA Budgets) | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
District Developed Service Delivery Plans | MeLissa Lawson 515-979-6750 |
District or Accredited Non-Public Online Schools Approval | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 |
District Reorganization | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Diversity/Equity in Education | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Driver's Education and Behind the Wheel (Educator Licensure) | 515-281-3587 Mike Cavin |
Dropout Verification | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 |
Dual Language Programs | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Due Process (Pre Appeals, Hearings, Mediations, Complaints for Special Education) | |
DUI/OWI, Driving Under the Influence | Peggy Long 515-975-8398 |
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) | Jennifer Denne 515-326-5332 |
Dyslexia | Wanda Steuri 515-238-8634 |
Program | Contact |
E-Rate | Pam Jacobs 515-975-0071 |
Early ACCESS (Part C) | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Early ACCESS Compliance and Procedures | Kate Small 515-418-2570 |
Early ACCESS Family Survey | Kate Small 515-418-2570 |
Early ACCESS State Coordinator | Dee Waddell 515-418-2570 |
Early Childhood | Kimberly Villotti 515-339-5519 |
Early Childhood Assessment and Evaluation | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 Kimberly Villotti 515-339-5519 |
Early Childhood, Birth - Three | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Early Childhood Inclusion Team | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 |
Early Childhood Iowa - State Technical Assistance Team – Department Liaison | Marianne Adams 515-326-2653 |
Early Childhood Multi-Tiered System of Supports | Kimberly Villotti 515-339-5519 |
Early Childhood Outcomes, 3 to 5 years | |
Early Childhood Personnel Development | Melissa Schnurr 515-419-9471 |
Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports | |
Early Childhood Professional Development | Melissa Schnurr 515-419-9471 |
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) | |
Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Early Literacy Alternate Assessment (ELAA) | Jennifer Denne Tiffany Poage |
Early Literacy Implementation | Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 April Gosselink-Lemke 515-971-0469 |
Early Literacy, Use of Funds | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 Song Luong 515-205-0259 |
Early Warning System | Synthia Davis 515-336-3924 Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 Connor Hood 515-326-5284 |
Economic Development | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
EdFacts | Betsy Lundy 515-473-0573 |
EdFacts (Federal Reporting) | Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
EdInsight (Data Warehouse) | Alex Arockiasamy 515-326-0854 Mike Comiskey 515-494-9083 Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 Roger Petersen 515-326-1020 | Website | Lisa Albers 515-494-9147 |
Education and Training Career Cluster | Jeanette Thomas 515-745-2556 |
Education Preparation Legislation and Standards | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Educational Equity Review (LEA/AEA) | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Educator Licensure Account Logins | Jessica Naylor 515-281-3245 |
Educator Licensure Attorney | Beth Myers 515-242-6506 |
Educator Licensure IT Support | Jeff DeBruin 515-242-6797 |
Educator Preparation (Teacher, Administrator, Other Practitioners) | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Elementary Teacher Licensure (Educator Licensure) | Geri McMahon 515-281-3437 |
Eligibility/Evaluation | Rachel Bosovich 515-238-4179 |
ELPA21 | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Emergency Feeding | Sarah White 515-360-1494 |
Emergency Operation Plans | |
Employment Verification, Department of Education | |
Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa | Marianne Adams 515-326-2653 |
Energy Conservation | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
English as a Second Language (K-12) | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
English Language Arts (Standards and Instruction) | Leigh Bellville 515-689-3717 |
English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELP Standards) | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
English Learners Program | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
Enrollment Projections | |
Entrepreneurship, Careers | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action | Shelly Neese 515-336-3859 |
Equity Compliance - Section 504, Title IX, ADA | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) | Sarah Seney Heidi Anthony |
ESSA/ESEA | Jillian Dotson Isbelia Arzola |
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Foster Care | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
ESSA Ombudsman for Equitable Services | Luke Markway 515-729-0758 |
Essential Elements | Jennifer Denne Tiffiny Poage |
E transcript Gateway Liaison | Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 |
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | Stacie Stokes 515-219-5288 Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
Extensions (Educator Licensure) | Joanne Tubbs 515-281-3611 |
Program | Contact |
Facilities, Schools | |
FAFSA Completion Initiative | 515-494-5647 |
Fall Basic Education Data Survey (BEDS) | Shelly Neese 515-336-3859 |
Family and Community Engagement | Veronica Andersen 515-402-2736 |
Family and Consumer Sciences Service Area Secondary and Postsecondary | Jeanette Thomas 515-745-2556 |
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Farm to Child Nutrition Programs | 515-336-3903
FAST (Formative Assessment System for Teachers) Assessments | Robert Barleen Angela Bosworth-Cowman Synthia Davis Greg Feldmann Connor Hood |
Federal Programs | Jillian Dotson Isbelia Arzola |
Federal Programs Risk Assessment | Teresa Garcia 515-210-6340 |
Fee Waivers, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Finance Roundtable | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Finance Survey Report | 515-210-9674 |
Finance, K-12, Regular and Special Education | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Finance, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Financial, Child Nutrition Programs | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Financial (Community Colleges) | Amy Gieseke 515-858-2234 |
Financial Literacy | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Fine Arts (Standards and Instruction) | 515-371-0410 |
Fiscal Data Requests | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
Fiscal Studies | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Food Service Management Companies (FSMC)- National School Lunch Program | Shea Cook 515-326-1682 Keerti Patel 515-681-2300 |
Foreign Exchange Students | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Foreign Language (Standards and Instruction) | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Foster Care Education | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Foster Care Instructional Program Claims | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Foster Care Verification Search Application | 515-393-8349 |
Foundation of Reading Assessment | Lindsay Harrison 515-205-4697 |
Free/Reduced, Hawk-I, Certification and Verification | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) | Heather Doe Shaela Meister |
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) | Stephanie Dross 515-326-5358 Keerti Patel 515-681-2300 |
Full Service Community School Programs |
Program | Contact |
GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) LEA and AEA | 515-210-9674 |
GAP Outcome Report | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
GAP Tuition Assistance Program Administrator | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
GEAR UP Iowa (Future Ready and 3.0) | 515-249-4813 |
GED/HiSET Diploma and Transcript Request | 855-313-5799 |
General Fund or Operational Questions | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
GI Bill – Iowa State Approving Agency | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Gifted and Talented and Advanced Learner Program | Molly McConnell 515-326-0260 |
GOLD Assessment | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 |
govDelivery | Lisa Albers 515-494-9147 |
Grade Sharing | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Graduate Verification | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 |
Graduation Requirements | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Graduation Dropout Rate | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 |
Grant Wood AEA School Improvement Consultant | Tom Bredfield 515-360-5131 |
Great Prairie AEA School Improvement Consultant | Sara Nickel 515-971-7558 |
Green Hills AEA School Improvement Consultant | Andrea Danker 515-669-8157 |
Green Ribbon Schools | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Guided Pathways | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Program | Contact |
Harassment and Bullying | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Hawk-I Board | |
Head Start | Monica Garner 515-336-3281 |
Health Appraisal Program of School Children for Strategic Planning | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Health Education (Standards and Instruction) | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
Health Sciences Service Area – Secondary and Postsecondary | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Health Services, All | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Health Services for Emergency or Disaster Management/Crisis Response Programming | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Healthy Indicators (Panorama's Student Success) | Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 Connor Hood 515-326-5284 |
Hearings, Legal | |
Hearings, School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) | Stephanie Edler 515-689-2258 |
Heartland AEA School Improvement Consultant | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) | Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
Alternative Pathways | Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
High School Equivalency Test Administration | Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 |
Higher Education Act (HEA) | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Higher Education Data Center (HEDC) | 515-901-9924 515-281-8260 |
Historic Preservation | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Home Base Iowa, Veterans and Military | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Home School Assistance, Uses of Funds | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 Song Luong 515-205-0259 |
Homeschooling | Buffy Campbell 515-954-8651 Dennis McClain 515-822-2554 |
Homeless | Tyler Navin 515-669-8622 |
Homeless Education | Tyler Navin 515-669-8622 |
Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster | Jeanette Thomas 515-745-2556 |
Human Resources, Department of Education | 515-238-8656 |
Program | Contact |
IDEA Administration | |
IDEA Child Counts and Data | John Lee 515-281-5733 |
IDEA Differentiated Accountability | Mary Beilke 515-681-2303 |
IDEA Finance | 515-393-8349 |
IDEA Part B | |
IDEA Part C, Birth to 3 Years | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
IDEA Part C, Special Education Data | Kate Small 515-418-2570 |
IDEA Professional Development | Betsy Lin 515-326-7982 |
IEP/IFSP System Development (ACHIEVE) | Shannon Grundmeier 515-402-8742 |
iJAG Authorization (Educator Licensure) | Joanne Tubbs 515-281-3611 |
ILOPD CACFP Wellness Training Modules and Policies | Julie Breshears 515-829-2101 |
Immigrant Education Program | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
Inclusion | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Individualized Education Programs (IEP), 3 to 5 Years old | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Indirect Cost Rate, School Finance | 515-210-9674 |
Industry-Recognized Credentials | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Infant Diets | 515-681-2302 |
Infrastructure | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Information Management System (IMS) for Individual Family Service Plan, Birth to Three Years | Kate Small 515-418-2570 |
Institutional Park and Roads Fund Grants | Jeff Fletcher 515-321-7309 |
Internal Operations, Chief of Staff | |
International Assessments | Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 |
Interstate Compact for Educational Opportunities for Military Dependents | Jathan Chicoine 515-745-2710 |
Intervention System | Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 |
Investigator (Educator Licensure) | Diane Dennis 515-281-3483 |
Iowa Academic Standards, Adoption, Implementation and Review | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Iowa and National FFA | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Iowa Business Professional of America (BPA) | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Iowa College Aid | 515-901-9924 515-281-8260 |
Iowa College and Career Readiness Academy | 515-725-3463 |
IowaCNP | Ellen Miller 515-238-4220 |
Iowa Commission for Educational Opportunity for Military Dependents | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Iowa Course for Drinking Drivers (OWI/DUI) | Peggy Long 515-725-2865 |
Iowa DECA | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Iowa Distance Mentoring Model of Professional Development | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Iowa Education Portal (EdPortal) | Jean Alfred 515-725-1251 |
Iowa e-Learning Central | Bob Barleen 515-281-3021 |
Iowa English Language Arts and Literacy Standards | Leigh Bellville 515-689-3717 April Gosselink-Lemke 515-971-0469 |
Iowa Evaluator Approval Training and Support | Stephanie TeKippe 515-326-5333 |
Iowa Exchange Visiting Teachers from Spain Program | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Iowa Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) | Jeanette Thomas 515-745-2556 |
Iowa FFA | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union | Amy Gieseke 515-858-2234 |
Iowa Grants | Jeff Fletcher 515-321-7309 |
Iowa High School Athletic Association | |
Iowa Online Learning | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 Stacie Stokes 515-210-5288 |
Iowa National Guard Education Office Partnership | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Iowa Nursing Workforce | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Iowa Professional Development Model | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (QPPS) and Verification Visits | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 Kimberly Villotti 515-339-5519 |
Iowa School Certifying Officials Training Support | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Iowa School Performance Profiles | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 |
Iowa School Report Card Public Site | Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 Kiran Ummadi 515-577-6079 |
Iowa SkillsUSA | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Iowa State Director, Career and Technical Education, Primary Federal Contact | |
Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) | Christi Donald 515-238-4715 |
Iowa Student Identification/Locator System | Jennifer Thomas 515-725-2252 |
Iowa Teacher of the Year Program | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 |
Iowa Team Ag Ed | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
Iowa Technology Student Association (TSA) | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Iowa Testing Programs | 319-335-5408 |
Program | Contact |
Juvenile Home Budget and Claim (AEA) | Jina Brinks 515-313-5942 |
Juvenile Justice Education Programs | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Program | Contact |
K-3 Innovative Grants, At-Risk Students | April Gosselink-Lemke 515-971-0469 |
Keystone AEA School Improvement Consultant | Buffy Campbell 515-964-8651 |
Program | Contact |
Labor Market Information/State and Community College Regions | Cenk Cetin 515-419-4792 |
Learning Loss | Tina Wahlert 515-326-0162 |
Learning Supports | Beth Buehler-Sapp 515-281-7143 |
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) | Dee Waddell 515-326-5364 |
Legal Consultant | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Legislative Contact (State) | Eric St Clair 515-326-0274 |
Level One Training (Alleged Abuse of Students) | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Liaison Advisory Committee on Transfer Students (LACTS), Department Representative | Amy Gieseke 515-858-2234 |
Licensure Information | Meredith Hawk 515-281-5849 |
Limited English Proficient Services | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
Literacy (Standards and Instruction) | Leigh Bellville 515-689-3717 |
Local College/Career Access Networks | 515-725-3404 |
Local Levies and Supplemental State Aid | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
Lookback Tool, Finance | 515-393-8349 |
Program | Contact |
Maintenance of Effort (MoE) LEA and AEA | 515-210-9674 |
Maintenance of Effort, IDEA (LEA and AEA) | 515-393-8349 |
Management Levy | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Mandatory Abuse Reporting | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Mandatory Health Screenings | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Manufacturing Career Cluster | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Marketing Career Cluster | |
Mathematics (Standards and Instruction) | Christi Donald April Pforts |
Media Relations, Department of Education | Heather Doe 515-281-7967 |
Medicaid, ALL | |
Medication Guidance | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Mental Health | Kay Augustine Lyn Jenkins |
Mentoring and Induction, Teachers | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Mentoring Students | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Methods of Administration | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Migratory Education Program | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
Military Articulation Agreement | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Mississippi Bend AEA School Improvement Consultant | Mickolyn Clapper 515-745-3385 |
Modified Supplemental Amount, At-risk and Dropout Prevention | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Modified Supplemental Amount, SBRC | Stephanie Edler 515-689-2258 |
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) | Mary Bielke 515-681-2303 Synthia Davis 515-336-3924 Greg Feldmann 515-661-7067 Connor Hood 515-326-5284 Stacie Stokes 515-238-5731 |
MTSS for Advanced Learners | Molly McConnell 515-326-0260 |
MTSS for English Language Arts | Leigh Bellville April Gosselink-Lemke 515-238-8634 |
MTSS for Mathematics | Christi Donald April Pforts |
MTSS for Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health | Kay Augustine Lyn Jenkins |
Program | Contact |
National Accreditation (CAEP, AAQEP) | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) | Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 |
National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
National Association of Supervisors of Ag Education (NASAE) | Alan Spencer 515-270-8863 |
National Board Certification | Tana Mullen 515-281-3333 |
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Financial Reports | 515-210-9674 |
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Number Assignment | Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
National School Lunch Program (NSLP) | Shea Cook 515-326-1682 Christine Crow 515-330-8158 Jean Easley 515-360-5149 Patti Harding 515-868-1956 Deann Murphy 515-360-5238 Keerti Patel 515-681-2300 Brenda Windmuller 515-681-5752 |
Native Language Teacher Authorization (Educator Licensure) | Joanne Tubbs 515-281-3611 |
Neglected and Delinquent | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Noncredit Community College Offerings | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
Nonpublic School Accreditation (State and Independent) | Andrea Danker Eric Heitz Dennis McClain |
Nonpublic Concurrent Enrollment | Lisa Washington 515-326-5389 |
Nonpublic School Textbook Program | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 |
Nonpublic Schools - Annual Notices and Deadlines | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Nonpublic Schools Advisory | |
Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement | Tom Simpson Holli Marolf |
Northwest AEA School Improvement Consultant | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Program | Contact |
Occupational/Vocational Licensure | Meredith Hawk 515-281-5849 |
Off-Site Education Programs (Residential/Day) | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Ombudsman | Luke Markway 515-729-0758 |
Online Learning (PK-12) | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 |
Open Educational Resources | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Open Enrollment | Mickolyn Clapper Sara Nickel |
Open Records Request, Department of Education | Heather Doe Shaela Meister |
Operational Function Sharing (Finance) | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Operational Sharing Technical Assistance | Shelly Neese 515-336-3859 |
Out of State Online Educator Preparation | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
OWI, Operating a vehicle while under the Influence | Peggy Long 515-975-8398 |
Program | Contact |
PACE Program Administrator | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
Panorama Student Success | Robert Barleen Angela Bosworth-Cowman Synthia Davis Greg Feldmann Connor Hood |
Paraeducator Certification (Educator Licensure) | Danielle Brookes 515-281-3482 |
Paraeducator Preparation Program | Lindsay Harrison 515-205-4697 |
Parent Call Cadre – Special Education | MeLissa Lawson 515-979-6750 |
Part C (Early Access) Comprehensive System of Personnel Development | Melissa Schnurr 515-419-9471 |
Performing Arts (Standards and Instruction) | 515-371-0410 |
Perkins | Vlad Bassis Jeff Fletcher Jeanette Thomas Amy Vybiral |
Phase I and Phase II, Fiscal Reviews | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
Phase II Accreditation | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Physical Education Requirements | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
Physical Education (Standards and Instruction) | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
Physical Plant and Equipment, Public Education and Recreation Levies | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Playground Safety | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Policy Development | Eric St Clair 515-326-0274 |
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Postsecondary Attainment Institute | 515-901-9924 515-281-8260 |
Postsecondary Enrollment Options | Lisa Washington 515-326-5389 |
Postsecondary School State Authorization | 877-272-4456, option 4 |
Practitioner Preparation | Mayam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Prairie Lakes AEA School Improvement Consultant | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Prayer in Schools, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
PK, Use of Funds | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 Song Luong 515-205-0259 |
PK Teacher Licensure (Educator Licensure) | Geri McMahon 515-281-3437 |
Preschool Audit | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 Kimberly Villotti 515-339-5519 |
Preschool Programs (Standards and Instruction) | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 |
Preschool Programs (National School Lunch Program) | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Preschool Reporting | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 |
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science | Christopher Like April Pforts |
Presidential Scholars Program | |
Private Instruction | Buffy Campbell 515-954-8651 Dennis McClain 515-822-2554 |
Private Provider of Online Course Approval | Gwen Nagel 515-419-3275 |
Professional Educator Standards | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Professional Learning Standards | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Professional Organizations for English Learners and Assessment | Terri Schuster 515-681-2492 |
Professional Service License (Educator Licensure) | Kelly Faga 515-281-6896 |
Program Evaluation | |
Project Lead the Way | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Public Relations, Department of Education | Heather Doe 515-281-7967 |
Public Schools – Annual Notices and Deadlines | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Public School District Accreditation | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Program | Contact |
Qualified School/ Zone Bonds | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Quality Faculty Plans, Community Colleges | Amy Gieseke 515-238-9758 |
Quality Programs for Students with Visual Impairments | Iowa Braille 800-645-4579 |
Quality Rating System |
Program | Contact |
Radon in Schools | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Reading Recovery | Barbara Ohlund 515-681-2310 |
(REAP) Rural Education Achievement Program – RLIS & SRSA | Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 Swetha Kondreddy 515-829-0179 |
Recruitment and Retention, Teachers | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Regional Planning Partnerships | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Religious Organization Exempt from State Law | Buffy Campbell 515-954-8651 |
Reorganizations, Notification and Progress Reports | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Research/Evaluation – Department of Education | Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 Jay Pennington 515-281-1018 |
Resident District Determination, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI) | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Residential Placement and Day Program, Finance and Billing | 515-393-8349 |
Reverse Credit Transfer | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Rural Community Outreach | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Program | Contact |
Safety and Sanitation | Stephanie Dross 515-326-5358 |
SAVE | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
SCED Course Code Classification System | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 |
Scholarships, Grants, Loan Repayment and Income Bonus Programs | 877-272-4456, option 3 |
School Administration Manager Authorization (SAM) (Educator Licensure) | Joanne Tubbs 515-281-3611 |
School Association Report Collection | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
School Bond Issues | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
School Breakfast Program | Shea Cook 515-326-1682 Christine Crow 515-330-8158 Jean Easley 515-360-5149 Patti Harding 515-868-1956 Deann Murphy 515-360-5238 Keerti Patel 515-681-2300 Brenda Windmuller 515-681-5752 |
School Budget Review Committee Corrective Action Plans | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
School Budget Review Committee Hearings | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Liaison | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
School Budget Review Committee, Special Education Administrative Costs | 515-393-8349 |
School Budget Review Committee, Transportation Assistance Allocation | Tom Simpson 515-336-3965 |
School Building Safety | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
School Bus Driver Accidents, Authorizations and Training | Joseph Funk Tom Simpson |
School Bus Authorization and Trainings, Records | Holli Marolf 515-281-5812 |
School Bus Inspection (Northeast) | Chris Errthum 515-669-4994 |
School Bus Inspections (Southeast) | Joseph Funk 515-669-4987 |
School Bus Inspections (West) | Tom Simpson 515-336-3965 |
School Bus Inspections, General | Chris Errthum Joseph Funk Tom Simpson |
School Bus Inspections, Records | Tom Simpson Holli Marolf |
School Business Alert Newsletter | Holli Marolf 515-281-5812 |
School Business Official (SBO) Authorization and Web Application | Holli Marolf 515-281-5812 |
School Business Official (Educator Licensure) | David Wempen 515-281-3605 |
School Capital Assets Issues | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
School Counseling | Tom Bredfield Buffy Campbell Mickolyn Clapper Andrea Danker Eric Heitz Dennis McClain Sara Nickel Pam Spangler |
School Facilities | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
School Finance Data Requests and Analysis | Jina Brinks Song Luong 515-210-9674 |
School Finance Formula | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 |
School Finance Law and Policy | Kassandra Cline 515-725-1120 |
School Finance Terminology | 515-210-9674 |
School Food Service Procurement | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
School Funds and Levies | 515-210-9674 |
School Health Services (Birth – 21 Years) | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
School Improvement Consultants | Tom Bredfield Buffy Campbell Mickolyn Clapper Andrea Danker Eric Heitz Dennis McClain Sara Nickel Pam Spangler |
School Information Update | |
School Interoperability Framework | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 Roger Petersen 515-326-1017 |
School Laws and Rules of Iowa | |
School Long-term Debt Issues | 515-210-9674 |
School Nursing | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
School Nutrition Education Opportunities | Jean Easley 515-360-5149 |
School Nutrition Financial Audit Review | Deann Murphy 515-360-5238 |
School Nutrition Professional Standards | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
School Property Maintenance and Management | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
School Report Card Public Site | Kiran Ummadi 515-577-6079 |
School Safety | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
School Transportation, All | Tom Simpson 515-336-3965 |
School Volunteerism | |
School Wellness Policy | Christine Crow 515-330-8158 |
Science (Standards and Instruction) | 515-336-3958 |
Seamless Summer Option (SSO) | Shea Cook 515-326-1682 Christine Crow 515-330-8158 Stephanie Dross 515-326-5358 Jean Easley 515-360-5149 Deann Murphy 515-360-5238 Brenda Windmuller 515-681-5752 |
Secondary Career and Technical Education | Heather Meissen 515-326-5378 |
Secondary Teacher Licensure (Educator Licensure) | David Wempen 515-281-3605 |
Section 504 | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Senior Year Plus | Lisa Washington 515-326-5389 |
Service Learning | |
Shared Visions Parent Support Program | Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 |
SIF Data Integration | Connor Hood 515-326-5284 |
Significant Disabilities Advisory Team | Jennifer Denne 515-326-5332 |
Significant Disproportionality/Coordinated Early Intervening Services | |
Skilled and Technical Sciences Liaison | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Skilled Workforce Initiatives | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
Smart Snacks | 515-336-3903 |
Social Emotional | Kay Augustine Lyn Jenkins |
Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health | Kay Augustine Lyn Jenkins |
Social Media, Department of Education | Shaela Meister 515-858-2235 |
Social Studies (Standards and Instruction) | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Spanish Calls, Special Education Parent Cadre | Isbelia Arzola 515-326-5962 |
Special Diets in Child Nutrition Programs | Christine Crow 515-330-8158 |
Special Education Administrator Outreach | |
Special Education Advisory Panel | Nancy Hunt 515-326-1031 |
Special Education, Allowable Use of Funds | 515-393-8349 |
Special Education Balances (AEA) | Jina Brincks 515-313-5942 |
Special Education, Compliance Investigator | Betsy Lin 515-326-7982 Rachel Bosovich 515-238-4179 |
Special Education Data | 515-393-8349 |
Special Education Licensure (Educator Licensure) | Geri McMahon 515-281-3437 |
Special Education Eligibility and Evaluation | Rachel Bosovich 515-238-4179 |
Special Education Finance | 515-393-8349 |
Special Education IDEA Information | Tiffany Poage 515-250-2685 |
Special Education Mediation Evaluation Reporting | Rachel Bosovich 515-238-4179 |
Special Education, Out of State Placement Approval Process | Elisa Koler 515-669-4052 |
Special Education Programs | |
Special Education K-6 Literacy, Preschool and Significant Disabilities | Mary Beilke 515-681-2303 |
Special Education Supplement (SES) | 515-393-8349 |
SES Medicaid Data Collection | |
Special Education Weighted Enrollment | Tiffany Poage 515-250-2685 |
Special Education Transition | Kelsey Teeter 515-975-7332 |
Special Milk Program (SMP) | Patti Harding 515-868-1956 |
Specially Accredited Schools | Andrea Danker Dennis McClain |
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) | Mary Beilke 515-681-2303 Tiffiny Poage 515-250-2685 |
Staff Data Requests | Betsy Lundy 515-473-0573 |
State Assessments | Christi Donald 515-238-4715 |
State Report Card | Jason Crowley 515-336-3923 Tom Deeter 515-326-5368 |
Statement of Professional Recognition (Educator Licensure) | Mike Cavin Danielle Brookes |
Statewide Assessment System Advisory | Christi Donald 515-238-4715 |
Statewide Literacy Leadership Team Facilitator | Leigh Bellville 515-689-3717 April Gosselink-Lemke 515-689-3717 |
Statewide Longitudinal Data System | Jean Alfred 515-725-1251 Alex Arockiasamy 515-494-9695 Mike Comiskey 515-494-9083 Roger Petersen 515-326-1020 |
Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for Four-Year-Old Children | Mary Breyfogle 515-326-1030 Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 |
STEM Advisory Council | 515-669-7007 |
STEM BEST Program | 515-979-3084 |
STEM Communications | 515-577-8610 |
STEM Corporate Partners | 515-669-7007 |
STEM/Iowa STEM Education General Information | 515-335-1531 |
STEM Regions | 515-335-1531 |
STEM Resources | 515-335-1531 |
STEM Scale-Up Program | 515-335-1531 |
STEM Signature Programs | 515-335-1531 |
STEM Teacher Externships Program | 515- 577-2549 |
Student Activity Fund, SBRC | Stephanie Edler 515-689-2258 |
Student Assessment | Christi Donald 515-238-4715 |
Student Discipline | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Student Engagement and Voice | Kay Augustine 515-326-5620 |
Student Fees | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Student Fee Waivers | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) | Kerri Ladehoff 515-281-3805 Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 Jay Pennington 515-326-1017 Jennifer Thomas 515-725-2252 |
Student Teaching Requirements | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Student Visas | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Substitute Authorization (non-teacher preparation) | Alivia Bullis 515-725-2146 |
Substitute License (teacher preparation) | Alivia Bullis 515-725-2146 |
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) | Shea Cook 515-326-1682 Christine Crow 515-330-8158 Stephanie Dross 515-326-5358 Jean Easley 515-360-5149 Deann Murphy 515-360-5238 |
Superintendent Notes | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
Supplemental State Aid | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
Supplemental Weighting Operational Sharing | Ted Bauer 515-979-5468 |
Supplemental Weighting | Rachel Kruse 515-281-4153 |
Program | Contact |
Teacher Intern Programs | Amy Mayer 515-238-9148 |
Teacher Intern License (Educator Licensure) | Joanne Tubbs 515-281-3611 |
Teacher Leadership | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Teacher Licensure - New Iowa Graduates | Sherry Jensen 515-281-8323 |
Teacher Loan Repayment Programs | 877-272-4456 |
Teacher Preparation | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Teacher Quality Professional Development | Tom Wood Stefanie Wager |
Teacher Shortage Areas | Maryam Rod Szabo 515-360-7369 |
Teachers from Spain | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
Teaching Standards, Criteria, and Iowa Standards for School Leaders | Stephanie TeKippe 515-326-5333 |
TeachIowa | Stephanie Langstraat 515-402-8700 |
Team Nutrition | Christine Crow 515-330-8158 |
Team Nutrition Grant | Christine Crow 515-330-8158 |
Technology Innovation Grant (TIG) | Stacie Schafer 515-402-5845 |
Therapeutic Classrooms | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEA's | Veronica Andersen 515-402-2736 Stacie Stokes 515-238-5731 |
Title I, Section 1003 - School Improvement | Stacie Stokes 515-326-5962 |
Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction | Isbelia Arzola 515-326-5962 |
Title III | Rachel Pettigrew 515-380-5115 |
Title IV | Luke Markway 515-729-0758 |
Title V (REAP) | Teresa Garcia 515-210-6340 |
Title VI (Civil Rights) | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Title IX | SueAnn Johnson 515-336-3942 |
Transfer Majors | Kelly Friesleben 515-868-2847 |
Transferability (Federal Title Programs) | |
Transgender and Gender Identity, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Transportation, All School | Tom Simpson 515-336-3965 |
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster | Cale Hutchings 515-975-8193 |
Trauma Responsive School Practices | Nancy Hunt Kay Augustine |
Truancy, Legal | Thomas Mayes 515-281-8661 |
Tuition, Special Education | 515-393-8349 |
Program | Contact |
Uniform Administrative Accounting and Procedures (LEA and AEA) | 515-210-9674 |
United States Senate Youth Program | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
United States Veterans Labor Apprentice Program | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Universal Instruction for Preschool | Amy Stegeman 515-868-1675 |
Unspent Balances | John Parker (Department of Management) 515-281-4743 |
USDA Child Nutrition Programs | Kala Shipley Stephanie Dross |
USDA Farm to School Grant | 515-336-3903 |
USDA Foods Program | Ellen Miller 515-238-4220 Keerti Patel 515-681-2300 Kala Shipley 515-681-2307 Sara White 515-360-1494 |
Program | Contact |
VA Vocational Readiness and Employment Services (VR&E) Partnership | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Vehicle Information System (VIS) | Tom Simpson Holli Marolf |
Veterans Administration Compliance, Outreach and Liaison | Monte Burroughs 515-631-9207 |
Veterans and Military Education | Monte Burroughs Jathan Chicoine |
Virtual College Coaching/Texting | 515-494-5647 |
Virtual/Online Schools | Stacie Stokes 515-210-5288 Dennis McClain 515822-2554 |
Visual Arts (Standards and Instruction) | 515-371-0410 |
Voluntary Framework of Accountability | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 Lisa Gard 515-418-3156 Jeff Fletcher 515-321-7309 |
Program | Contact |
Waivers/Exemptions | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Water Infrastructure Improvement for Nation (WIIN) Grant | Melissa Walker 515-864-6701 |
Web and Document Accessibility, Department of Education | Lisa Albers 515-494-9147 |
Website Content and Policy, Department of Education | Lisa Albers 515-494-9147 Heather Doe 515-281-7967 |
Whole Grade Sharing | Pam Spangler 515-229-6425 |
WIIN Lead Testing in Schools and Child Care | Lyn Jenkins 515-664-6732 |
Work-Based Learning | Joe Collins 515-419-5190 |
Workforce Education Liaison | Robin Lilienthal 515-418-8273 |
Workforce Preparation Program Evaluation | Vlad Bassis 515-281-3671 |
World Languages (Standards and Instruction) | Stefanie Wager 515-419-2876 |
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Program | Contact |
Year-Round Schools | Eric Heitz 515-326-1018 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training | Nancy Hunt 515-326-1031 |