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Application Submission

All applications and waivers listed on this page are submitted through the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA). These applications are accessible only to users identified as a superintendent or nonpublic administrator.

Instructions for CASA Access

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Home School Assistance Program Limitation Exemption

Iowa Administrative Code 281-31.4(4)

  • Department Deadlines: Not Applicable
  • Board Approval: Not Applicable
  • Hearing: None required
  • Assurances: None required
  • Application Components:
    • Licensed Iowa Practitioner Name
    • Folder number
    • Exception from family limitation of 20 to __ and/or
    • Exemption from children limitation of 40 to __
    • Reason for Exemption
      • More families/students enrolled than initially anticipated and the best interest of all children will continue to be met
      • Teacher on extended leave. Students re-assigned and the best interests of all children will continue to be met.
      • Teacher left unexpectedly. Students re-assigned and the best interests of all children will continue to be met.
      • Other (limit 150 characters)
  • Application Instructions: This application is submitted through the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA). Applications are available only to superintendents and nonpublic administrators. Home School Assistance Program Limitation Exemption Instructions Contact Buffy Campbell at with questions.
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Year Round Attendance Center

Iowa Code 279.10

  • Department Deadline: Applications must be received no later than November 1 of the year preceding the calendar start date. Districts will be notified no later than January 15 of the Department’s approval or denial of the application. Applications are approved for two years at a time. The district must reapply in November of the year preceding the expiration of the approval for the subsequent two years.
  • Board Approval: Required upload of minutes.
  • Hearing: All applications are required to include a copy of the minutes from the public hearing at which the calendar was approved. These minutes must be signed by the district’s superintendent.
  • Assurances: (a) the attendance center will provide at least ten days of instruction or the hourly equivalent during eleven of the twelve months of the year, (b) the period of time between instructional days will not exceed six weeks, and (c) the attendance center serves all students, and attendance is not limited based on any trait or characteristic of a student.
  • Application components:
    • Assurances and acknowledgment of requirement to report start date in BEDS
    • Grades served
    • Number of calendar hours or days
    • Date of public hearing
    • Minutes from public hearing
  • Application Instructions - This application is submitted through the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA). The district must request to have this application made accessible the system. Contact for this addition.

Instructional Hours vs. Days Guidance

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Flexible Student and School Support Program

In the 2021 legislative session, Governor Reynolds signed House File (HF) 847 into law. The new law requires the Iowa State Board of Education to create and the Iowa Department of Education (Department) to administer the Flexible Student and School Support (FS3) program, which replaces the Innovative Waiver formerly available in Iowa Code section 256.11 and rule 281—12.9. The FS3 program provides an approved school district or state accredited nonpublic school with additional flexibility to “implement evidence-based practices in innovative ways to enhance student learning, well-being, and postsecondary success” (281—IAC 12.9(1)).

Chapter 12 rules â€“ Links to Iowa’s general accreditation standards rules, which will update to include the revised rules (e.g., rule 281—12.9) once they become effective on May 25, 2022.

Flexible Student and School Support Program Guidance - Provides information on the new program and its requirements, including the application process; outlines the exemptions available to approved districts and accredited nonpublic schools; and answers questions from the field.

Appendix A Exemptions Available for FS3


  • May 30 of the year preceding the school year for which the program is requested to begin: The application must be submitted by the superintendent or head nonpublic school administrator on behalf of the district’s school board or nonpublic school’s authorities in charge no later than May 30 of the year preceding the school year for which the program is requested to begin. 
  • May 30 of each year following program implementation: Reporting Requirements: The approved district or accredited nonpublic school must complete an annual report updating the status and include, if necessary, a plan for program revisions. The annual report must be submitted no later than May 30 of each year following program implementation.
  • May 30 of the year preceding the school year for which the renewed program is requested to begin: At the end of the approved exemption period (i.e., the amount of time requested in the initial application), a district or accredited nonpublic school may submit a new application to have the same FS3 program renewed for up to three years. The renewal application must be submitted no later than May 30 of the year preceding the school year for which the renewed program is requested to begin.
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Offer and Teach Exemption and Waiver for Online Courses

Iowa Code 256.11.17

  • Department Deadline: Applications must be received no later than October 1 of the school year for which the waiver is requested
  • Required Assurance: The district or nonpublic school assures that provision of a course through an online alternative shall be offered in one of the following ways:
    1. The district, school, or a consortium of schools provides the course in an online learning platform in a manner that meets the requirements of the rules for online learning passed by the Board;
    2. The district or school uses a private provider approved by the Department; or
    3. The district or school uses an online platform offered by the Department in collaboration with the AEAs and/or districts or nonpublic schools.
    4. The course is taught by an Iowa licensed teacher.
  • If applying for an exemption for world language, personal finance literacy and/or computer science
    Indicate which of the following criteria were met and upload corresponding documentation.
    1. Fewer than ten students typically register for the course, or
    2. The district/school makes every reasonable and good faith effort to employ a licensed teacher to teach the course, but is unable to
  • If applying for an exemption for up to two science, social studies, English-language arts, mathematics, physical education, career and technical education, fine arts and/or health courses
    Indicate which of the following criteria were met and upload corresponding documentation.
    1. Fewer than ten students typically register for the course, or
    2. The district/school makes every reasonable and good faith effort to employ a licensed teacher to teach the course, but is unable to
  • If applying for a waiver for up to two ADDITIONAL science, social studies, English-language arts, mathematics, physical education, career and technical education, fine arts and/or health courses
    Indicate which of the following criteria were met and upload corresponding documentation.
    1. Fewer than ten students typically register for the course, or
    2. The district/school makes every reasonable and good faith effort to employ a licensed teacher to teach the course, but is unable to
      • How did the district or nonpublic school incentivize students to register for the course?
      • Does the district or nonpublic school wish to request a second waiver for a high school science, social studies, English-language arts, mathematics, physical education, career and technical education, fine arts, or health course?
  • Application Instructions - This application is submitted through the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA). Applications are available only to superintendents and nonpublic administrators.
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