Previous versions of the reports and information provided on the Higher Ed & Postsecondary Readiness Reports webpage.

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Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

2022 Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

2021 Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

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Annual Condition of Secondary Career & Technical Education

Provides information on trends in secondary CTE courses and programs, enrollment, student characteristics and instructors. The reports also describe the four areas of focused policy interest for implementing high-quality CTE throughout the state.

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Community College Leader Bulletin



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Condition of Higher Education

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FAFSA Filing in Iowa

Impact of Verification on Iowa FAFSA Filers | Appendix

A Stumbling Block on the Road to College: How FAFSA Verification Hinders Low-Income Students (NASFAA) 

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Iowa College Aid Annual Report

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Iowa Community Colleges Certified Budget

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Iowa Community Colleges Developmental Education

2020 Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges

2019 Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges

Community College Additional Developmental Education Data: 2018

2018 Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges

Fact Sheet: Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges - June 2018

Community College Additional Developmental Education Data: 2017

Developmental Education: Recommendations to Improve Postsecondary Student Success

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Iowa Community Colleges Fall Enrollment

An annual report detailing the community college fall credit headcount and total credit hours with full-time and part-time student enrollment data.

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Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment

An annual report documenting the fiscal year high school enrollment at community colleges.

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Iowa Community Colleges Tuition & Fees

An annual report that includes trends among the Iowa's community colleges as well as comparisons to the Iowa regent universities and institutions nationwide.

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Iowa Student Outcomes

Iowa Student Outcomes is a comprehensive, interactive website housing education-related data, including the education and employment outcomes of students completing certificate, diploma and associate degree programs at Iowa's community colleges. 

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State Financial Aid

Education & Training Voucher Program

Receipt of Multiple Scholarship & Grant Awards

Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant & Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant

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Student & Faculty Diversity

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Student Loan Debt of Postsecondary Education Graduates in Iowa

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Special Reports

GEAR UP Iowa: ACT Initiatives and Outcomes - 2020

How Iowa and Its Citizens Benefit from Higher Education - 2019

Need-Based Aid for Private, Not-for-Profit Colleges–The Iowa Tuition Grant - 2019 - How the Iowa Tuition Grant impacts postsecondary enrollment and completion.

State Grants and Community College Student Postsecondary Outcomes - 2017 - Postsecondary enrollment patterns for students in the Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant (Voc-Tech Grant) and the Iowa Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant (Kibbie Grant) programs.

Iowa Skilled Worker Pipeline Report - The Iowa Skilled Worker Pipeline report provides policy-makers, educators, and students with tangible results illustrating the number of issued community college credit awards by occupational category and how those awards relate to current and future in-demand occupations throughout the state of Iowa.

Sector Partnership and Career Pathway Advisory Council Overview and Survey Findings - December 2015

Iowa: Education and Workforce Trends through 2025 - This Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce report analyzes industry and occupational education requirements. The study projects that 68 percent of jobs in Iowa will require postsecondary education or training beyond high school by 2025.

Economic Returns and Career Transitions for Iowa Community Colleges - May 2010

Visualizing Transitions into the Workforce Poster

Community College Program Capacity Survey, Fall 2007 - Provides the results of a survey on community college program capacity conducted in the Fall of 2007.

Transfer Behavior/Postcollege Earnings of Iowa Community College Students - This document details the findings of research done on the transfer behavior of Iowa Community College students.

2006 Report on Developing Bioscience/Biotechnology in Iowa

A&S/CTE Courses for Supplementary Weighting

2007 Career and Technical Education High School Report

Reengineering CTE Iowa - August 2007.

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