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Important Resources

Resources for Equitable Services to Nonpublic Students and Teachers from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Guidance and Allocations webpage.

Help and Support Assignments

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Annual Independently- and Specially-Accredited Nonpublic School Deadlines

DeadlineRequired Action(s)Note(s)
Sept. 15Independently-Accredited Nonpublic School Annual Assurances due.Only the head nonpublic school administrator can submit
Oct. 1Final LEA Nonpublic Consultation Agreement due in the Consolidated Application for the current school year. 
Nov. 30Title I, Part A – Nonpublic School Students Free Lunch Report. 
March 15Preliminary LEA Nonpublic Consultation Agreement due in the Consolidated Application for the upcoming school year. The agreement requires the nonpublic school to indicate whether it will participate in equitable services for the upcoming school year.Once the head administrator confirms the agreement, participation cannot be changed
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Annual State-Accredited Nonpublic School Deadlines

DeadlineRequired Action(s)Note(s)
Sept. 15State-Accredited Nonpublic Assurances due.Only the head nonpublic school administrator can submit
Oct. 1Final LEA Nonpublic Consultation Agreement due in the Consolidated Application for the current school year. 
Nov. 30Title I, Part A – Nonpublic School Students Free Lunch Report. 
Dec. 15Universal K-12 Desk Audit due. 
March 15Preliminary LEA Nonpublic Consultation Agreement due in the Consolidated Application for the upcoming school year. The agreement requires the nonpublic school to indicate whether it will participate in equitable services for the upcoming school year.Once the head administrator confirms the agreement, participation cannot be changed


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