

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), includes physical education and health education as part of a “well-rounded” education that should be offered to all students. Physical education and health education have positive associations with academic growth and achievement, attention and concentration, and lifetime healthy habits. While physical education and health education offer complementary knowledge and skills, they are separate academic subjects with separate regulations, requirements, and standards.

Visit the Physical Education Instruction webpage.

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Health Education Standards

Iowa's recommended physical education and health education standards were approved and adopted by the Iowa State Board of Education on March 28, 2019, based on public input and review team recommendations. See the final report from the Physical Education and Health Education Standards Review Team.

Iowa adopted the National Health Education Standards 2nd Edition and performance indicators as recommended Iowa Academic Standards for Health Education, which encompass the Health Literacy Standards of the 21st Century Skills.

Guidance for Health Education Standards

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Health Literacy Standards

The Iowa Legislature established the 21st Century Skills of the Iowa Core in 2007, which included Health Literacy standards and learning goals. The Framework for 21st Century Learning stated, “We believe schools must move beyond a focus on basic competency in core subjects to promoting understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into core subjects” (2007). 21st Century Skills bridge the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of students from the core academic areas to real life application.

Neither the recommended Iowa Academic Standards for Health Education nor the Health Literacy standards are or determine curriculum. Decisions about how to help students meet learning goals are at the local control of districts, schools, and teachers.

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Health Education Compliance

Health education is required in kindergarten through 12th grade to teach from a multicultural, gender-fair approach with global perspectives incorporated at all levels in the education program. The education program requirements for human growth and development are written in law from kindergarten through 12th grade. The specific requirements from Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Rules are listed below:

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Health Education Research & Resources

Iowa Code 256.9(46)

School districts shall incorporate age-appropriate and research-based materials into relevant curricula and shall reinforce the importance of preventive measures when reasonable with parents and students.

School districts shall provide age-appropriate and research-based materials and a list of available community and internet-based resources to parents. School districts are encouraged to work with their communities to provide voluntary parent education sessions.

Health Education Lists - Contains examples of age-appropriate and research-based materials and resources which districts, schools, and parents may use to support health education. *Not intended to represent an exhaustive list. Resources should not be considered recommendations.

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Teaching Endorsements in Health & Physical Education

For the requirements for teaching endorsements in physical education, use the following links:

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School Wellness Newsletter

The School Wellness newsletter is a monthly communication sharing updates and resources related to school wellness.

Sign up to get the School Wellness newsletter

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Iowa Healthy Kids Act

School Wellness Policy

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools E-Learning Module

Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America

Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)

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