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Application Closed

STEM Scale-Up Program Educator Application

The educator application window closed for the 2025-26 school year at 4:59 p.m. on March 4, 2025. 

Looking for Information on this year's STEM Scale-Up Programs?

Click here for STEM Scale-Up Menu Information and Fact Sheets


  • November - December 2024: Selected program providers collaborate with Iowa STEM to prepare materials for the educator application phase.
  • Jan. 7, 2025: Educator application opens
  • March 4, 2025: Educator application submission deadline.
  • April 2025: Awarded educators notified.
  • May 2025: Program providers introduced to awarded educators to begin planning.
  • Summer 2025: Professional development/training in preparation for program implementation 2025-26 school year.
  • July 2025 - April 2026: Scale-Up Program Implementation

Who Can Apply?

PK-12 cross-curricular educators, both in and out of the classroom, are eligible to apply, so long as they have undergone a criminal background check as a requirement of employment. Eligible applicant(s) include public and private school PreK-12 teachers, youth organization leaders, informal education professionals, home school associations, licensed child care centers and others who deliver STEM education programming. Every applicant must secure the commitment and signature of the institution’s lead administrator(s).

Awards Not Grants

STEM Scale-Up programs are delivered to the awarded educator applicants. Funding is provided from Iowa STEM Regional Hub Institutions directly to STEM Scale-Up Program Provider, rather than to the awarded educator applicants. On occasion, some STEM Scale-Up programs may require out-of-pocket funds as noted in their descriptions.

Help Us Evaluate STEM Scale-Up Programs

Once a STEM Scale-Up program has been implemented, all awarded educators are required to participate in assessing the effectiveness of their awarded program with the following:

  • An educator survey to be completed in the Spring of the implementing year; and
  • A student participant list to be completed in the Spring of the implementing year.
  • [Note: Some STEM Scale-Up Program providers may request additional evaluation data.] 
  • Additional details on the STEM Scale-Up Program Evaluation  

Tips for Completing an Educator Application

  1. Ensure you have an account in
    1. First-time users will need to set up an account in IowaGrants. Note: It can take up to three business days for a new account to be activated.
    2. For additional instructions on starting and finding a funding opportunity, check out these FAQs and tips to navigate the IowaGrants system. 
  2. Check out the STEM Scale-Up Application Help Guide

Required Educator Application Materials & Resources


If you have questions about STEM Scale-Up or the educator application process, contact your Regional STEM Manager.