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Evaluator Training Course Schedule

State-Approved Iowa Evaluator Approved Trainings - Lists courses, providers, dates and locations for evaluator approval training. Renewal of a professional administrator license requires completion of one of the approved evaluator training courses.

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Evaluator Approval Options

The courses identified on the State-Approved Iowa Evaluator Approved Trainings are approved by the Iowa Department of Education for evaluator approval credit. For more information regarding the courses, contact the provider or use the following links for your AEA's Professional Learning Registration System:

School administrators seeking re-licensure every five years must have 4 renewable credits to include renewal credits related to evaluator approval. (e.g., 1 evaluator approval renewal credit + 3 other renewal credits = 4 renewal credits or 2 evaluator approval renewal credits + 2 other renewal credits = 4 renewal credits)

iEvaluate 1.3

(2-renewal credits) - A required course for individuals seeking an Iowa evaluators license for the first time. Experienced evaluators are welcome to enroll. The course provides beginning and experienced evaluators an opportunity to focus on the critical elements of an educator evaluation system in Iowa:

  1. Iowa’s model for Educator Quality (Chapter 83 of Iowa Administrative Rules)
  2. Knowledge & Skills of a Quality Evaluator and Attributes of Effective Evaluation System:
    • Professional Educator Standards: Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria, Iowa Standards for School Leaders
    • Data and Information from Multiple Sources
    • Formal and Informal Observations
    • Coaching for Educator Excellences
    • Professional Development for Improving Practice and Student Learning
  3. Complete a series of online assignments (e.g., forum discussions, reading, scenarios, reflecting, responding, observing, planning, videotaping, etc.) during the eight-week course.
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Designing an Iowa Evaluator Approval Training Course

An Evaluator Approval Training Proposal may be developed and submitted by an Area Education Agency, a local school district, an Iowa accredited university/college, and educational organization, or a consortium of these educational agencies or organizations. The evaluator training course needs to enhance an evaluator’s knowledge and skills to:

  • Identify quality instructional or leadership practices
  • Use multiple forms of data
  • Understand and develop conferencing and feedback skills
  • Employ data-based decision-making skills

Providers/designers must use the Designing an Iowa Evaluator Approval Training Course guidance that outlines the process to be consider for approval from the Iowa Department of Education.

Designing an Iowa Evaluator Approval Training Course

Evaluator Approval Course Proposal Template

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