The Iowa Department of Education communicates using a variety of newsletters. To sign up, click on the newsletter title and you will be taken to that newsletter's sign up page. 

Department of Education Newsletters
Alternate AssessmentAlternate assessment educators, administrators and leadersas needed
Career & Academic Planning NewsSchool counselors, ICAP team members, teachersquarterly
Community College Leader BulletinCommunity college stakeholdersmonthly
Computer Science BytesComputer science educators, administrators educators and anyone interested in computer sciencemonthly
Early ChildhoodEarly childhood educatorsmonthly
Educator Licensure Newsletters & UpdatesEducator license holdersquarterly newsletter,
updates as needed
ELPA21 UpdateELPA21 educators, administrators and leadersas needed
E-RateLocal E-Rate administratorsas needed
Fine Arts Educator NewsletterFine arts educators (dance, music, visual arts and theatrequarterly
Financial Literacy UpdateFinancial literacy educators, administrators and leaders3-4 times/year
Headlines from the Iowa Department of EducationAnyone interested in the happenings of the Iowa Department of Educationmonthly
IDEA InsightsProfessionals serving children with disabilitiesevery other month
Iowa Guided PathwaysCommunity colleges, four-year college partnersmonthly
Iowa STEM NewsletterEducators, workplace partners, sponsors and anyone interested in STEMmonthly
ISASP UpdateISASP educators, administrators and leadersas needed
Legislative UpdateAnyone interested in education-related legislation information should sign up to receive the Superintendent and Education Leader Updatemonthly during legislative session
Literacy News You Can UseLiteracy educators, administrators and leadersmonthly
Mathematics Update: The Only Subject That CountsMathematics educators, administrators and leadersmonthly
Press ReleasesAnyone interested in educationas needed
School Business AlertSchool and AEA business managersmonthly
School WellnessSchool wellness educators, administrators and leadersmonthly
Science UpdateScience educators, administrators and leaders monthly
Senior Year Plus UpdateSenior year plus educators, administrators and leadersas needed
Social Studies UpdateSocial studies educators, administrators and leadersmonthly during the school year
Superintendent & Education Leader UpdateSuperintendents, school administrators and leadersmonthly
Work-Based Learning Coordinator NewsletterWork-based learning coordinatorsmonthly
World Languages UpdateWorld language educators, administrators and leaders3-4 times/year