Effective Assessment
Benefits of Formative Assessment - NCTM Advocacy
NCTM Position Statement What is the role of formative assessment in mathematics education?
Inside Mathematics - Formative Re-engaging Lessons involve a cycle of inquiry, instruction, assessment, analysis, selection, and re-engagement around a mathematical concept. Here, you can see how multiple teachers have approached designing lessons to formatively re-engage their learners.
Video Resources
Achieve the Core Resources
- The Math Shifts in Common Core-Aligned Assessments
- Mathematics Assessments
- Mathematics Assessment Item Alignment Modules
- Assessment Alignment
Performance Tasks
Illustrative Mathematics - Resources that can be used as tasks.
Achieve the Core - Tasks that illustrate the focus, coherence, and rigor of the CCSS.
Mathematics Assessment Project - Lessons that support teachers in formative assessment (6-12).
Inside Mathematics - These tasks are grade-level formative performance assessment tasks with accompanying scoring rubrics and discussion of student work samples.
Performance Assessment Resource Bank - The Performance Assessment Resource Bank is an online collection of high-quality performance tasks and resources that support the use of performance assessment for meaningful learning.