Iowa law requires individuals found guilty of Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (OWI) complete a state approved drinking and driving course.

Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (OWI) Brochure - A guide to understanding next steps and license reinstatement.

Iowa's OWI FAQs

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Information for Iowans

If you receive an Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) in Iowa, you need to complete the following before your driver's license can be reinstated:

  • Complete a substance abuse evaluation and follow any treatment recommendations as stipulated by the evaluator.
  • Complete a state approved drinking driver education course. See List of Approved Iowa Providers.
  • The cost for the 12-hour class is $180.
  • More fees may be incurred for the jail diversion program.
  • Note: Attending a Victim Impact Panel does not satisfy the drinking driver education requirement.
  • Pay any civil penalties, reinstatement fees, and/or pass any examinations as required by the courts and Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). For more information about your driving record, contact the DOT at 515-244-8725.
  • Note: In some cases, additional penalties may be required by the courts and/or DOT.

Need help? Use the OWI/DUI/DWI Assistance form.

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Approved Iowa Providers

These state approved providers offer drinking driver alcohol education and licensed substance abuse treatment/evaluators in Iowa:

List of Approved Iowa Providers

Find an Approved Provider Near You

Need a copy of your driving record or arrest report?

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Information for Non-Iowans

The State of Iowa requires that you complete a substance abuse evaluation and a state-approved drinking driver education course. The state requires individuals who offend in Iowa or Iowa drivers who offend in another state, complete a course for drinking drivers.

Need help? Use the OWI/DUI/DWI Assistance form.

Drinking Driver Education Course

Courses taken outside of Iowa must be at least eight (8) hours in length.

Note: Attending a Victim Impact Panel or AA meetings does not satisfy the drinking driver education requirement.

When Completed

Upon completion of the drinking driver education course, submit the Out-Of-State OWI Documentation Form and a certificate, letter or report, showing the completion of the course.


There is a $37.50 administrative fee for submitting education from outside of Iowa.

There is a $1.00 convenience fee for making a payment online with a credit/debt card.

You may pay with a cashier's check, money order, or credit/debit card.

Credit/debit card payments can be made online at

Substance Abuse Evaluation/Treatment

There is no fee for submitting substance abuse evaluation/treatment.

When Completed

Upon completion of the substance abuse evaluation, you will need to submit a copy of the evaluation report or the Out of State Substance Abuse Evaluation/Treatment Verification form completed by the evaluator.

If your substance abuse evaluation recommends treatment, you will also need to submit documentation showing that the treatment has been completed.

Treatment and Education are two separate requirements. Completing treatment does not satisfy your requirement to take the drinking driver education course.

Fax or Mail Documentation

You may fax your documentation to 515-725-2014, scan and email to:, or send through postal mail to:

Iowa Department of Education
Drinking Driver Education
400 E 14th St
Des Moines, IA 50319-0146

Need a copy of your driving record or arrest report?

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Out-of-State OWI Documentation Form - Use when submitting documentation from a state other than Iowa.

Out-of-State Substance Abuse Evaluation/Treatment Verification Form - Use to submit substance abuse evaluation/treatment from a state other than Iowa.

Financial Responsibility Waiver - Out of State Resident - An Iowa DOT form to provide proof of residency in a state other than Iowa.

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Iowa's OWI Laws

Iowa DOT Ignition Interlock Information

Iowa Department of Transportation

Iowa Department of Transportation Driver's License Stations

National Driver Register

Iowa Civil Requirements After an OWI

Locate a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Nationwide

Locate a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) - For those required to obtain an evaluation from a SAP.

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For Providers

There are three options for Iowans taking the 12-hour drinking driver program.

Option 1: In person with an approved provider
The Department encourages agencies to limit classes to 10 people (including the instructor and support personnel).

Option 2: With an approved provider through video conferencing
Agencies may deliver the drinking driver program (called Prime for Life) curriculum for the 12-hour class via video conferencing. Class sizes must be limited to 30 people. The jail diversion programs may not be delivered via video conferencing.

The Prime for Life student workbook is available in PDF format. Students attending the course via video conferencing receive the PDF workbook prior to the start of the course. The student will have access to a workbook portal where they can access their workbook or download it to their devices. PDF workbook orders can be placed by contacting PRI at 800-922-9489, select Option 1 or by emailing

Option 3: Jail Diversion Program
The jail diversion program must be completed in person at a facility previously approved by the court. Monitoring of students must be included. The jail diversion program may not be offered via video instruction. It is highly recommended that class sizes be limited to 10 people including the instructor and any support personnel.

Requirements for Offering 12-hour Drinking Driver Course

  • Must be approved by the Department to provide the course.
  • The course may not be offered in more than four-hour blocks without a minimum of a 30-minute break.
  • Instructional time may not be more than 8 hours per day.
  • Upon successful completion and payment, the agency will provide students with a completion certificate and may electronically submit class completion to the DOT.
  • All instructors must be certified to teach the course and attend a recertification course every 24 months.
  • All students attending the course must receive their own workbook.
  • A fee of $180 shall be charged to all participants unless they are deemed indigent. In that case, the fee can be waived
  • Agencies must submit a report and the administrative fees collected to the Department within 30 days following the end of each quarter.

Interested in becoming an instructor for the drinking driver course in Iowa? Contact Peggy Long at for information.

Reporting Documents for Providers

OWI Quarterly Summary of Students Attending Classes (Excel)

OWI Quarterly Fees Remittance Form (PDF)

OWI Quarterly Fees Remittance Form (Word)

Education for Instructors

PRI Training Opportunities

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Contact Us

By Phone: 515-281-5251

By Fax: 515-725-2014 (indicate OWI in the subject)

By Mail:
Iowa Department of Education
Drinking Driver Education
400 East 14th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319

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Iowa Code 321J.17 describes the conditions for drivers license reinstatement.

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