Iowa Tuition Grants are awarded to Iowa residents enrolled at one of Iowa's eligible private colleges and universities.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Iowa resident
  • Undergraduate enrollment in an associate or bachelor degree
  • Enrolled at an eligible Iowa private college or university
  • FAFSA submitted by July 1
  • Have a Student Aid Index (SAI) on the FAFSA (SAI can't be blank)
    • 2024-25 eligible SAI range at Iowa not-for-profit private institutions: (-1,500) - 16,000
    • 2024-25 eligible SAI range at Iowa for-profit private institutions: (-1,500) - 13,000

Award Amount and Limits

The statutory maximum award for students attending Iowa not-for-profit private institutions is set at the average Regent tuition and fee rate, although the maximum award for an academic year may be less depending on the funding available and number of projected recipients. 

The funded maximum 2024-25 award at participating Iowa not-for-profit private institutions is $7,500. Recipients can receive grants for up to four years of full-time, undergraduate study. Part-time students may be eligible for adjusted amounts. 

The statutory maximum award for students attending Iowa for-profit institutions is $6,000. The funded maximum 2024-25 award at participating Iowa for-profit private institutions is $800. Recipients can receive grants for up to two years of full-time, undergraduate study. Part-time students may be eligible for adjusted amounts.

Required Application


Important Dates

October 1: FAFSA is available
July 1: FAFSA application deadline