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Senior Year Plus (SYP) serves as an umbrella for a variety of programs designed to provide high school students access to courses that have the potential to generate college credit. The following provides an overview of requirements:
Back to topSenior Year Plus Guide
Additional Guidance
- Guidance Impacting Summer Contracted Courses
- Measures of College Readiness and SYP Programs
- Accessing Online Postsecondary Coursework Through SYP Programs
- Changes Impacting Full-Time Enrollment through Senior Year Plus
- Senior Year Plus and Dual Enrolled Students
- State of Iowa Profile for NACEP Peer Reviewers
- Crosswalk of NACEP Standards and Statutory Senior Year Plus Requirements
- Sample Notification of Student PSEO Registration Form
- Memo Regarding Statutory Changes to PSEO - January 2017
- Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Credentialing Through the Senior Year Plus Program
- Guidance Impacting CTSOs and the Senior Year Plus Concurrent Enrollment Program
- Reporting Career Academy Contact Minutes and SCED Codes
Code and Administrative Rule
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Sign Up to receive Senior Year Plus Updates. Messages are sent as needed. Information is applicable to postsecondary and secondary educational administrators, educators, school counselors and advisors and includes guidance and reports related to Senior Year Plus.
Back to topSenior Year Plus Programs
Advanced Placement Courses (AP)
AP courses are college-level courses offered by high schools. The courses, curriculum requirements, and optional tests are provided by The College Board. Based on the examination score and the postsecondary institution's policies, students may be eligible for college credit or advanced standing at the college or university they later matriculate.
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
The Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act was enacted in 1987 to promote rigorous academic pursuits by providing high school students access to enroll in nonsectarian courses in eligible postsecondary institutions. Now offered through Senior Year Plus, the program is available to eligible juniors and seniors as well as freshmen and sophomores who are identified as gifted and talented according to the school district’s criteria and procedures.
Concurrent Enrollment
The concurrent enrollment program, also known as district-to-community college sharing, promotes rigorous academic or career and technical pursuits by providing opportunities for high school students to enroll in eligible nonsectarian courses at or through community colleges. Per Senior Year Plus, concurrent enrollment courses are offered through contractual agreements between community colleges and school districts within their service area.
Career Academies
Career academies are programs of study offered to high school students through an agreement or contract between their high school and a community college. They bridge high school and community college CTE programs.
Iowa defines career academies differently than national models, which often involve small learning communities. In Iowa, career academies are programs of study that combine a minimum of two years of secondary education with an associate degree in a career preparatory program. The career academy is a program of study that is non-duplicative, sequential, and ensures that the course of study is skill standards-based, integrates academic and technical instruction, utilizes work based and work site learning where appropriate and available, utilizes an individual career planning process with parent involvement, and prepares an individual for entry and advancement in a high-skill and rewarding career field.
Back to topSummer College Credit Program
The summer college credit program was enacted as part of the Future Ready Iowa Act (House File 2458) and is designed to increase participation in career and technical education programs aligned to in-demand occupations. The Future Ready Iowa initiative calls for 70 percent of Iowans to have education or training beyond high school by 2025 to ensure Iowa's workforce is equipped with the skills and education employers need.
SCCP Overview Webinar Recording
SCCP Overview: Slide Deck and Notes
Summer College Credit Program Fact Sheet
Back to topSYP Postsecondary Course Audit Committee
The SYP Postsecondary Course Audit Committee is charged with reviewing samples of postsecondary courses delivered through SYP programs.
Back to topSYP Program Data
The Iowa Department of Education issues several reports with data on Senior Year Plus programs including the Annual Condition of Education Report, the Condition of Iowa Community Colleges Report, and the Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment Report.
Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment Report - Contains detailed fiscal year and longitudinal data on joint enrollment. The report is based primarily on data collected through the Community College Management Information System.
Condition of Community Colleges Report - Released annually, contains fiscal year and trend information on joint enrollment. The report is based primarily on data collected through the Community College Management Information System.
Condition of Education Report - Released annually, provides detailed fiscal year and longitudinal data on high school student enrollment in AP® courses and PSEO enrollment.
Back to topSupplementary Weighting
Supplementary weighting provides additional weighted funding for students enrolled in a program involving sharing between institutions. Pursuant to 281 IAC 22.11, school districts that participate in district-to-community college sharing agreements or concurrent enrollment programs that meet the requirements of Iowa Code section 257.11(3) are eligible to receive supplementary weighted funding under that provision. For concurrent enrollment, weighted funding provides districts with funding to pay community colleges for delivery of concurrent enrollment courses. The funds are used to help offset the cost of the college courses.
Certified Enrollment
The Department provides instructions for school districts seeking supplementary weighted funding. The Certified Enrollment Supplementary Weighting webpage includes resources related to certified enrollment including supplementary weighting information and a summary of the prior year's assignment of weighted funding by district.
Student Reporting in Iowa
The Department provides instructions for school districts seeking supplementary weighted funding. The Student Reporting in Iowa webpage includes resources related to the calculation of supplementary weighting, SCED Codes for community college courses, contact minutes for community college courses, supplementary weighting frequently asked questions, and other department guidance. This information is located under the "Course Coding and Supplementary Weighting" heading.
Back to topWebinar Recording
Senior Year Plus: The Basics of Concurrent Enrollment - Recorded 9-29-22. Provides a general overview of the Senior Year Plus Concurrent Enrollment Program. Department staff also discuss how students' individual career and academic plans connect to senior year plus program opportunities.
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