

Requirements - First Issuance

  1. Recommendation from an Iowa charter school governing board verifying that the organization wishes to hire the applicant as a charter school administrator.
  2. Current child abuse Mandatory reporter training certificates.


  • Initial charter school administrator authorization - 1 year
  • Charter school administrator authorization - 5 years


The charter school administrator authorization is only valid for service or employment as a charter school administrator.


  • The initial charter school administrator authorization may be renewed once. Current child abuse Mandatory reporter training certificates are required.
  • The charter school administrator authorization may be renewed. Current evaluator training and child abuse Mandatory reporter training certificates are required.


Yes - if more time is needed to complete renewal requirements. 


The initial charter school administrator authorization may be converted to a charter school administrator authorization if the applicant has met the following:

  • Completion of an approved code of professional conduct and ethics training. The training will be completed after the issuance of the initial authorization and no more than three years prior to the date of application.
  • Completion of an approved evaluator course.
  • Recommendation from an Iowa charter school governing board verifying that the organization wishes to retain the applicant as a charter school administrator.

Educational Licensure Office & Staff Directory

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Office Location:
701 E Court Ave,  Suite A
Des Moines, IA  50309

Iowa Board of Educational Examiners Office