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Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

2023 Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

Individual Data Tables for the 2023 Condition of Iowa's Community College

Previous Years Annual Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges

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Annual Condition of Secondary Career & Technical Education

Provides information on trends in secondary CTE courses and programs, enrollment, student characteristics and instructors. The reports also describe the four areas of focused policy interest for implementing high-quality CTE throughout the state.

2023 Annual Condition of Secondary Career and Technical Education - AY21-22

Previous Years Annual Condition of Secondary Career and Technical Education

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Annual Enrollment in Iowa Community Colleges

See interactive charts and data sets for Annual Enrollment in Iowa Community Colleges.

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College Prices

Typical Full-Time Undergraduate Student Expenses At Iowa Colleges and Universities

Tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation and other expenses.

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Community College Leader Bulletin

Sign up to receive the Community College Leader Bulletin, a monthly newsletter that includes information on topics, issues and events relevant to community college stakeholders.

August 2024 Community College Leader Bulletin

Previous Community College Leader Bulletins

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Condition of Higher Education

Iowa's current education levels, measured against the state's education goals and against national statistics.

2022 Condition of Higher Education in Iowa

Previous Years Condition of Higher Education Report

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The following FAFSA reports are from the last three years. See older FAFSA reports.

FAFSA Completion by Iowa High Schools

See how Iowa high schools rate on filing the FAFSA.

FAFSA Filing in Iowa

The Future of FAFSA Filing in Iowa: Findings and Policy Considerations - 2021

The FAFSA Simplification Act: Policy Simulations and Implications for State Aid Programs - An analysis of the FAFSA Simplification Act’s Student Aid Index formula and its impact on Iowans’ eligibility for federal and 
state financial aid programs. Briefs also available for the effect the SAI will have on the All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship and Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship.

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Federal & Institutional Aid

FAFSA Completion by Iowa High Schools

See how Iowa high schools rate on filing the FAFSA.

Student Financial Aid Awards and Dollar Amounts - Tables listing the number of recipients and total award amounts for federal and institutional aid programs.  

Average Student Loan Debt upon Graduation - Average student loan debt for bachelor's and associate degree recipients at each postsecondary institution in Iowa. 

Default Rates - Official cohort default rates for schools in Iowa participating in Title IV student financial assistance programs.

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Higher Education Data Center

The Higher Education Data Center links to reports and studies prepared by the Department's Bureau of Iowa College Aid. Additional links about college prices, student financial aid and federal and institutional aid. 

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Home Base Iowa Postsecondary Education Reporting

2022 Home Base Iowa Postsecondary Education Reporting

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Iowa College Aid Annual Report

FY23 Iowa College Aid Annual Report

Previous Years Iowa College Aid Annual Report

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Iowa College & University Enrollment

The Iowa College and University Enrollment Report is broken down by sector and student demographics.

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Iowa Community Colleges Certified Budget

Annually, each community college submits an approved budget for inclusion in the Certified Budget. This budget is used for determining tax levies.

FY25 Iowa Community Colleges Certified Budget Report

Previous Years Iowa Community Colleges Certified Budget Report

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Iowa Community Colleges Developmental Education

Information on developmental education from Iowa’s 15 community colleges is collected on an annual basis. Developmental education courses are offered in mathematics, reading, writing, English as a Second Language (ESL), and in other subject areas such as financial literacy and skill building. These courses do not count toward degrees, but typically must be completed by students who are considered academically underprepared before they can advance to introductory transfer-level courses.

The Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges provides trend data on course enrollment, credit hours taken, student demographics, and course information.

2021 Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges

Previous Years Annual Report of Developmental Education in Iowa Community Colleges

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Iowa Community Colleges Fall Enrollment

An annual report detailing the community college fall credit headcount and total credit hours with full-time and part-time student enrollment data.

2023 Iowa Community Colleges Fall Enrollment

2023 Fall Enrollment Data Tables

Previous Years Iowa Community Colleges Fall Enrollment

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Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment

An annual report documenting the fiscal year high school enrollment at community colleges.

Iowa Community Colleges Annual Joint Enrollment Report AY23

Outcomes of Jointly Enrolled Students in Iowa: A study of the 2011 High School Graduation Cohort (2021) - The initial longitudinal report examines the impact of joint enrollment on the outcomes of the Iowa high school graduation cohort of spring 2011.

Previous Years Iowa Community Colleges Joint Enrollment

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Iowa Community Colleges Tuition & Fees

An annual report that includes trends among the Iowa's community colleges as well as comparisons to the Iowa regent universities and institutions nationwide.

FY24 Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees Report

Previous Years Iowa Community Colleges Tuition and Fees

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Iowa Postsecondary Readiness Reports

The Iowa Postsecondary Readiness Reports website supports that goal by providing valuable information on how prepared Iowa high school graduates are for success in postsecondary education and community college based training.

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Iowa Student Outcomes

Iowa Student Outcomes is a comprehensive, interactive website housing education-related data, including the education and employment outcomes of students completing certificate, diploma and associate degree programs at Iowa's community colleges.

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State Financial Aid

Historical Appropriations Summary - Iowa General Assembly appropriations for state-administered scholarship and grant programs from Fiscal Year 1989 to present.

State Grant Recipients by County - Number of recipients and dollar amounts on a county-by-county basis.

Program Summary - Information on recipients, applicants, and descriptive statistics.

State of Iowa Scholarship and Grant Programs End-of-Year Reports - Number of recipients and total dollars received under each program, by institution.

Forgivable Loan Programs vs Loan Repayment Programs Side-by-Side Analysis - Comparison of intent, administration, timeline, recruitment and return on investment.

Education & Training Voucher Program

Receipt of Multiple Scholarship & Grant Awards

Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant & Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant

Rural Iowa Primary Care Loan Repayment Program Recipient Survey Results - Iowa College Aid surveyed current and past program award recipients in order to assess whether and in what ways the Rural Iowa Primary Care Loan Repayment Program influences physicians’ decisions about working in rural Iowa.

Teacher Shortage Loan Forgiveness - An examination of retention among the first two cohorts of participants two, five, and 10 years after first receiving a Teacher Shortage Loan Forgiveness award.

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Student & Faculty Diversity

Summary of representation of minority students and faculty at Iowa colleges and universities, based on an annual survey.

2023 Student and Faculty Diversity Report

Previous Years Student and Faculty Diversity

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Student Loan Debt of Postsecondary Education Graduates in Iowa

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State Longitudinal Data System

Iowa’s State Longitudinal Data System brings together quality, timely longitudinal data that are used to improve education and student outcomes in Iowa.

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Special Reports

Special reports from the last three years.

Associate of Professional Studies Pilot Outcomes Report 2023

Regional Center Site Location Study

Iowa High School Graduates Pursuing Education Beyond High School - 2022 - An Iowa SLDS brief on college enrollment.

College Dreams Dissolved: An Examination of Factors Tied to 'Summer Melt' in Iowa - 2021

Corrections Education

Iowa’s community colleges partner with the Iowa Department of Corrections to provide inmates with education, training and skills to help them successfully reenter our communities and build productive lives. Supporting second chances and successful reentry prepares individuals for life and employment, which reduces recidivism.

Iowa's Community Colleges Education in Correctional Facilities Employment and Recidivism Outcomes

Second Chances Through Education

Economic Impact of Community Colleges

Iowa’s 15 community colleges provide a solid return on investment for both students and the state, according to the independent study conducted by Emsi Burning Glass. Emsi used academic and financial reports from the community colleges, as well as earnings and employment outcomes data from the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Workforce Development.

The study found that Iowa’s community colleges collectively contributed $5.5 billion to the state’s economy and supported 87,149 jobs, roughly 1 out of every 23 jobs in Iowa, during fiscal year 2019-2020.

The Economic Value of Iowa's Community Colleges - full report

Executive Summary

Fact Sheet

Older Special Reports

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Previous Higher Ed & Postsecondary Readiness Reports

The Previous Higher Ed & Postsecondary Readiness Reports lists previous versions of the reports and information listed on this webpage.

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