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Accounting & Reporting

School Association Reporting is a requirement of Iowa Code sections 279.38 and 279.38A. Code section 279.38 requires each board that pays membership dues to the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) to annually report each of the following items to the local community and the Department of Education.

  • The amount the board pays in annual dues to the Iowa Association of School Boards,
  • The amount of any fees paid and revenue or dividend payments received for services the board receives from the association or from any of the association's affiliated for-profit entities, and
  • The products or services the school district received inclusive with membership in the association.

Section 279.38A of the Code requires the same information to be reported from each board that joins and participates in local, regional, and national organizations which directly relate to the functions of the board of directors. These organizations have been identified within the School Association Reporting application.

School districts and Area Education Agencies (AEAs) are required by law to be in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This requirement applies to School Association Reporting. All districts and AEAs shall use 60 days for the cut-off period for revenue recognition. Districts and AEAs shall use vendor reports from their finance systems on a GAAP basis, along with payment and receipt information, to complete this report.

The School Association Reporting application is available on the Iowa Education Portal (EdPortal) during the fall after certification of the Certified Annual Financial Reports (CAR), and is due in November.

School Association Reporting Instructions