
Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.

Work appropriately and productively with others

  • Set goals
  • Effectively communicate with group and stakeholders
  • Demonstrate respectful behavior to group member ideas and opinions
  • Manage and resolve conflict when appropriate
  • Lead or support when appropriate
  • Determine people’s strengths and assign roles accordingly
  • Contribute to a team by sharing information and expertise
  • Agree to disagree in a respectful manner in a group dynamic
  • Collaborate effectively with other teams/team members toward a common goal
  • Recognize own and other’s good efforts

Use different perspectives to increase innovation and the quality of work

  • Gather input from all group members
  • Capitalize on the diversity of group members
  • Accept and provide feedback in a constructive and considerate manner

Use all the appropriate principles of communication effectively

  • Listen to understand and appreciate the points of view of others
  • Listen for comprehension
  • Listen for decision making
  • Process information in order to make an informed decision
  • Ask appropriate questions in seeking clarification
  • Read, understand and create information presented in a variety of forms (e.g. words, charts, graphs, diagrams)
  • Follow directions
  • Express thoughts and ideas clearly and succinctly
  • Use appropriate technology to communicate
  • Use appropriate channels of communication (written, verbal, technical, visual)


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Adapt to various roles and responsibilities and work flexibly in climates of ambiguity and changing priorities.

Adapt to varied roles, responsibilities, and expectations

  • Work independently or as a part of a team
  • Learn from mistakes and accept feedback
  • Carry out multiple tasks or projects
  • Continuously monitor the success of a project or task
  • Identify ways to improve project or task
  • Consider multiple perspectives and represents a problem in more than one way
  • Accept others; tolerant of differences

Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities

  • Cope with uncertainty; quickly and calmly change focus and goals as the situation requires
  • Demonstrate a sense of comfort with lack of structure
  • Remain composed and focused, even under stress
  • Adapt to changing requirements and information
  • Respond openly and constructively to change
  • Approach conflict from win-win perspective

Demonstrate appropriate risk-taking

  • Provides innovative and resourceful engagement
  • Identifies and suggests alternative ways to achieve goals
  • Asks “what if”
  • Brainstorms effectively
  • Questions assumptions in a non-confrontational manner


Use interpersonal skills to influence and guide others toward a goal

  • Positively support the work of others
  • Facilitate and delegate responsibilities to best accomplish goal(s)
  • Build relationships
  • Engage in the tasks to accomplish goal
  • Know when to listen and when to speak-up
  • Maintain an open mind
  • Provide constructive feedback

Leverage the strengths of others to accomplish a common goal

  • Communicate effectively
  • Collaborate effectively
  • Appreciate ideas of others
  • Facilitate compromise that can lead to group consensus

Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior

  • Accept ownership for actions
  • Demonstrate trustworthiness and honesty
  • Make decisions based on important core values

Demonstrate mental, physical, and emotional preparedness to accomplish the task

  • Organize required materials in a readily accessible format
  • Focus and become energized on the task objectives


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate initiative and self-direction through high achievement and lifelong learning while exploring the ways individual talents and skills can be used for productive outcomes in personal and professional life.

Perform work without oversight

  • Assesses the situation and identify the priority/necessary actions to be taken
  • Understand the value of the task in relationship to greater goal
  • Understand that incomplete work-- even if excellent--is a failure
  • Model self-confidence
  • Know how to find and evaluate appropriate resources
  • Implement solutions
  • Demonstrate commitment to self/group/society

Use time efficiently to manage workload

  • Segment task into logical steps with appropriate estimates of time
  • Build a timeline to facilitate completion of the task
  • Prioritize steps in proper order

Assess one’s own mastery of skills

  • Understand the task
  • Identify the depth and breadth of knowledge to be successful at a task
  • Identify and utilize appropriate measure of knowledge

Set and achieve high standards and goals

  • Understand incremental steps for acquiring goals
  • Create a written plan
  • Set realistic goals that match aptitudes
  • Engage in activities to improve skills that are relative to goals
  • Demonstrate core values
  • Constructively evaluate progress and takes corrective action when necessary

Engage in effective problem solving process

  • Transfer learning from one domain to another
  • Identify partners and resources germane to the situation
  • Evaluate and select the best resources in context of the problem, and allocates them appropriately
  • Identify root cause of problem
  • Detail a course of action in writing with sequence of steps involved
  • Implement a solution and makes adjustments when there is need/opportunity for improvement


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate productivity and accountability by meeting high expectations.

Deliver quality job performance on time

  • Recognize and understand required standards needed for successful completion
  • Set goals and establish timelines to reach required standards
  • Establish assessment checkpoints throughout work processes
  • Identify quality control issues and makes needed adjustments to correct problems
  • Take initiative to see job completed without compromising quality
  • Reassess process on a regular basis to identify any opportunities for improvement
  • Demonstrate ethical behavior and works responsibly, reliably, and collaboratively with others

Demonstrate accountability for individual performance

  • Come to work regularly and is on time all of the time
  • Stay productive when on the job
  • Take initiative to help others when own work is completed
  • Accept responsibility for errors and corrects errors
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Follow through with work assignments
  • Demonstrate willingness to work overtime
  • Demonstrate flexibility to crosstrain