Iowa Administrative Code 281-62 (State Standards for Reading Progression) requires public districts to universally screen literacy skill development of all elementary students. Targeted intervention and ongoing progress monitoring is required for students who are repeatedly identified as at-risk for not meeting subsequent learning targets.

To help support public schools to meet this requirement, the Iowa Department of Education (Department) is seeking early literacy (K-6) universal screening and progress monitoring assessment submissions. Screening and monitoring assessments submitted will be reviewed to ensure each approved measure meets the minimum criteria specified by the Department. Those that meet approval criteria will be communicated to Iowa’s schools as approved early literacy screening and monitoring assessments.

Any vendor wishing to be considered for review and inclusion on the Department’s future approved early literacy assessment list must submit during this RFAP. There will be no carry over assessment approvals from the current list.

This RFAP submission opportunity does not include a cost proposal and will not result in a statewide contract.

Request for Approval (RFAP) Requirements

Applicants must submit responses to the required sections of the Submission Form to be considered for approval. An evaluation committee will conduct a comprehensive, fair, and impartial evaluation of proposals received in response to this request. The committee will identify those assessments that meet the minimum technical characteristics required for inclusion on the existing approved assessment list. 

Submission Process & Timelines

Questions and submissions must be provided by the dates listed.

September 3, 2024Request for Approval (RFAP) posted to Department site. 
October 1, 2024
5 p.m. CT
Questions due:
Questions for Early Literacy RFAP (Fall 2024)
October 8, 2024Department responses

November 1, 2024
5 p.m. CT


Submissions Due:

December 13, 2024Early Literacy Assessment list posted.

Submission Checklist

  • Request for Approval (RFAP) Submission Form, one per assessment submitted
  • Supporting resources, referenced as evidence within the submission (e.g., user guide, technical manual, technical reports), are submitted as pdfs with the proposal.
  • Each submission is no more than 16MB.
  • There are no more than 10 total supporting attachments per submission.
  • If submitting multiple measures that stand alone, each is described and supported separately per Submission Form.