Related Topics:

CTE Standards

Business and marketing prepares students to master the knowledge and skills needed to function as citizens, consumers, employees, managers, business owners and directors of their economic futures. Studies include accounting, business law, career development, communication, computation, economics, personal finance, entrepreneurship, information technology, international business, management and marketing.

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Entrepreneurship Toolkit

Entrepreneurship Toolkit - Bridges emerging ideas, trends and examples to enhance entrepreneurship education at the high school and college levels in Iowa. The toolkit connects free resources for educators and instructors to engage students and encourage innovative growth.

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MBA Research and Curriculum

MBA Research and Curriculum Center - A not-for-profit organization established in 1971 as an education foundation. It is operated by a consortium of state education department and has a mission to support educators in the preparation of students for careers in business management, finance, marketing, hospitality management, and entrepreneurship.

Iowa Observations and Recommendations Report - Prepared in partnership with the MBA Research and Curriculum Center, the report features the observations and recommendations of three panels of business executives discussing current and emerging workplace needs in the cluser areas of business management and administration, finance, and marketing.

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Business, Finance, Marketing and Management

Business, Finance, Marketing and Management Program Standards (PDF) -- (Word)

Finding More Information on Performance Indicators


Iowa Core Literacy Standards

Financial Literacy within 21st Century Skills of the Iowa Core

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Professional Organizations

Iowa Business Education Association (IBEA) - A statewide organization for business educators with the purpose of discovering and serving the needs of business education in Iowa.

National Business Education Association (NBEA) - A national organization of business professionals devoted to serving individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research and dissemination of information for and about business.

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