On this page...
Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) is the Iowa Department of Education's (Department) initiative involving the transfer of individual student records. The mission of the project is to reduce data burden and encourage better decision-making by establishing and maintaining a cost-effective method of accessing and transferring accurate and timely education information among school districts, postsecondary institutions and the Department.
Underlying principles of the project include a commitment toward reduction of paper-based state reporting, building on existing technologies available to schools, a commitment toward the elimination of paper-based college transcripts, the adoption of a common basis for facilitating meaningful information exchange, and greater security of confidential student information.
Back to topImportant Dates
- April 1 - Cedar Connect and SRI open for Spring collection (public and nonpublic)
- May 1 - Assessment Accountability site opens (public only)
- June 17 - Non-fall Start Courses for Supplementary Weighting open for review (public only)
- June 24 - Spring SRI certification deadline (public and nonpublic)
- June 25 - Assessment Accountability certification deadline (public only)
- July 7 - Graduate Verification opens for review (public and nonpublic high schools)
- Aug. 28 - Non-Fall Start Courses for Supplementary Weighting certification deadline (public only)
- Aug. 28 - Graduate Verification certification deadline (public and nonpublic high schools)
Spring SRI Updates - Tuesday, April 29 at 1 p.m. This live Zoom session gives reminders and tips for completing Spring SRI. Zoom Link: https://idoe.zoom.us/j/95416137723?pwd=xkwyXcW3BogZMEwkYTDEobK3uluEXa.1
Assessment Accountability Refresher - Wednesday, May 14 at 1 p.m. This live Zoom session takes you through the screens of the Assessment Accountability application giving tips on what to look for on each page. Zoom Link: https://idoe.zoom.us/j/91550013168?pwd=L17vbnyjvltVE1VIQlT7ay9Cx8kov0.1
Targeted SRI Training Sessions - New for the 2024-25 school year is a series of live Zoom sessions on various topics related to SRI. Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. Each half hour session will cover a specific topic and allow for Q&A. No registration is required to join a session.
Dates and Topics
Zoom link for all SRI Training Sessions - All times are at 1 p.m.
- March 27 State ID
- April 10 - Tuition Out vs. Open Enrolled Out vs. Transferred
- April 24 - Concurrent Enrollment and Supplementary Weighting
- May 8 - Coding graduates and students who will be returning
2024-25 Documentation
Student Reporting in Iowa Data Dictionary
Addendum A: Destination Location by Destination Code
Addendum A1: Resident District
Addendum F: Dropout Definitions
Addendum I: Service Provider and Type
Certified Enrollment via Student Reporting in Iowa
Supplemental Weighting via Student Reporting in Iowa
Back to topCourse Coding and Supplementary Weighting
Career Academy Minutes and SCED Codes (8-22-24)
Complete List of Non-Secondary Course Codes (8-24-21)
SCED Codes and Contact Minutes for Community College Courses (12-2024)
Framework of SCED for Secondary Level Courses (2-2025)
Compare PSEO and Contracted Courses
Back to topStudent Reporting in Iowa Tutorials
Coding Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) in your SIS (5:20) - Recorded 2-13-25. Demonstration showing where to enter data for an Industry Recognized Credential in the Student Information System.
SCED Codes for Non-secondary Courses (9:03) - Recorded 12-12-24. Teaches how to create a SCED code for a non-secondary level course.
2024 Spring SRI Training (29:24) - Recorded 4-23-24. Covers data elements to focus on for Spring SRI as well as other applications that use Spring SRI data.
Certified Enrollment via SRI, Fall 2023 - Recorded 9-20-23. Walks through the various reports on Certified Enrollment and provides some helpful tips and reminders.
SRI Updates for 2023-24 (20:06) Recorded 8-16-23. Deleted, changed and added elements discussed. Some general reporting reminders and specific tips are given.
Assessment Accountability, Spring 2023 (40:20) - Recorded 5-10-23. Provides a walk-through of the Assessment Accountability application which all public districts must certify by June 23, 2023. The application determines subgroups and participation for assessment accountability.
Using Cedar Connect (23:26) - Recorded 9-1-20. Takes you through the basics of using Cedar Connect. Starting a collection, correcting validation errors, and submitting data to Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) are all discussed.
Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) for New Users (30:18) - Recorded 9-10-20. Introduces the array of reports housed in SRI.
Graduate Verification Application (6:51) - Recorded Aug. 2021. Takes you through the screens in the Graduate Verification Application.
Supplementary Weighting - Non Fall (9:00) - Recorded 5-21-18. Walks through the Supplementary Weighting - Non Fall application.
Dropout Report (8:55) - Walks through the various tabs in the Dropout Report.
Accreditation Program Area ‘0’ (3:21) - Addresses some of the commonly asked questions on the use of Accreditation Program Area ‘0’ Not Used for Accreditation. It starts by giving an overview of the Chapter 12 Accreditation requirements and then gives examples of courses that use the Accreditation Program Area of ‘0’.
SCED Coding 101 (18:18) - Introduces the user to SCED codes for secondary level courses. Examples of SCED codes are given, and the user has the opportunity to practice creating SCED codes.
Understanding the Accreditation Report (11:43) - Recorded 11-24-20. Explains the Curriculum Accreditation Report which is found in Winter SRI on the Home page. It describes the four main focus areas when checking for accuracy and common mistakes that are made.
Back to topInformation for Vendors
Student Information System (SIS) vendors are asked to participate in the Department's Vendor Certification Process to ensure that school districts using their SIS may fully participate in SRI. During the certification process, SRI staff review the SIS to ensure that the software can achieve the following:
- Produce an extract using Department specified formats and codes
- Extract meets Department quality assurance standards through testing with predetermined outcomes
- Import the State Student IDs