Early childhood is the ideal time to establish healthy eating habits. Farm to Early Care and Education works to connect early child care and education settings to local food producers with the objectives of serving locally-grown, healthy foods to young children, providing related nutrition education, and improving child nutrition. Farm to CACFP activities can increase children’s willingness to try new foods and help them become familiar with local foods they will see in school. Farm to CACFP creates a reliable outlet for producers and the smaller purchasing volumes for early child care settings are a good fit for local farmers.



  • Grow It, Try It, Like It! Webinar - Children love to use their senses with new fruits and vegetables that they have had a hand in growing! The webinar features creative ways to grow fruits and vegetables at your childcare.
  • Iowa Farm to CACFP Online Module (1 hr training credit) - Topics include Starting a Garden, Field Trips and Special Guests, Incorporating Nutrition Education, How to Purchase Local Foods, and Menus and Recipes.