On this page...
For Students & Families
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teen Camps
Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Camps for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center)
Iowa School for the Deaf Summer Camps
Leadership Opportunities for Teens (LOFT) (AG Bell)
Summer Youth Programs (Gallaudet University)
Games & Media
Captioning - The difference between captioned vs cart services. (Hearing Loss Association of America)
Described and Captioned Media Program
Iowa Sign Language Interpreting Services
Video Relay Services
Hamilton Relay Iowa: Relay Friendly Business
Iowa Supports & Services
Commission of Deaf Services (Iowa Health and Human Services)
Iowa School for the Deaf Outreach
National Organizations
American Society for Deaf Children
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Drug Rehab Centers (Drug Rehab USA)
Deafinitely Dogs - Service dogs.
Deaf Latinos y Familias Organization
Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Hearing Loss Association of America
National Association of the Deaf
National Family Association for DeafBlind
Technology can be life changing tools for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Tools such as alarm clocks, fire alarms, bed shakers, microphones, etc. are available to purchase for students based on their hearing needs. There are also a few organizations in Iowa who can help the student find what they need.
Easterseals Iowa: Assistive Technology Center
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For Educators
Iowa Expanded Core Curriculum
Expanded Core Curriculum for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Captioning - The difference between captioned vs cart services. (Hearing Loss Association of America)
Described and Captioned Media Program
Educational Materials
Language Resource Program - Sign language and interpreter services, including educational interpreter professional development. (Iowa School for the Deaf)
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center (Gallaudet University)
Learning Progress Equal to Peers? (Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss)
Psychological Effects of Hearing Loss in Teens
Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss
Tests – Informal Assessments for Parents, Students, Teachers (Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss)
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