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Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS)

Iowa Early Learning Standards

Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS)  emphasizes developmentally appropriate content and skills children may know and be able to do prior to entering kindergarten. The content areas defined in IELS lead to success as students enter school and later become productive adult citizens in our communities. Iowa’s school districts and their community partners operating Statewide Voluntary Preschool Programs (SWVPP) and preschool classrooms providing Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services, use instructional strategies and interventions to promote children’s development and learning of the knowledge, behaviors and skills included in the IELS. [Iowa Administrative Code 281.16 and Iowa Administrative Code 281.41]

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Approved Early Childhood Program Standards

The Iowa Department of Education supports quality learning opportunities and environments for young children by developing, implementing and monitoring preschool programs and services provided by, or in partnership with, school districts.  Iowa’s school districts and their community partners operating Statewide Voluntary Preschool Programs (SWVPP), Shared Visions Preschool Program (SV) grantees and preschool classrooms providing Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) instructional services, must meet approved preschool program standards.

The three Iowa approved preschool program standards that meet the characteristics of quality early childhood programs:

  1. Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS)
  2. Head Start Program Performance Standards
  3. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

IQPPS, Head Start (2015) and NAEYC (2015) Standards Crosswalk

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Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS) Implementation

IQPPS Family Survey Examples

Option 1:

Option 2:

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