Online mandatory reporter trainings for educator licensure in Iowa is offered by two organizations:

  1. Iowa Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) - If you have questions or experience  issues regarding mandatory reporter training completed through HHS, visit their website or email
  2. AEA Learning Online

Note: The Iowa Department of Education does not offer mandatory reporter trainings.

Child abuse mandatory reporter training is required for most school employees. The training is two hours and available in English and Spanish.

Dependent adult abuse training is no longer required.

A current child abuse mandatory reporter training certificate of completion is required for the following situations:

  • Employment in a licensed position
  • Employment in any school position for those 18 years of age or older
  • License renewal

Iowa Code 232.69(1) defines child abuse mandatory reporters in the state of Iowa.

The one-hour refresher training is no longer available. For those who have already completed the one-hour refresher training, the Board of Educational Examiners can only accept these trainings if:

  • you have taken the two-hour child abuse training after July 1, 2019,
  • and you did not let the new two-hour child abuse training expire,
  • and you uploaded your child abuse certificates completed after 2019 as proof.

In most cases, it is much easier to complete both two-hour trainings again to make sure you have the correct certificates of completion.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mandatory Reporter Training

Do I need to complete trainings for both child and dependent adult abuse? 

  • Child abuse training is required. You will upload your child abuse completion certificate to the online application when you renew your license.
  • Dependent adult abuse training is no longer required.

Is my mandatory reporter training still valid? 

  • Check the completion date. Child abuse training is valid for three years.

Educational Licensure Office & Staff Directory

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Office Location:
701 E Court Ave,  Suite A
Des Moines, IA  50309

Iowa Board of Educational Examiners Office