Understanding Assessments
Assessment Literacy - Defines and supports a deeper understanding of assessment practice.
Different Assessment Types - Describes types of assessments and how they differ.
Understand How CCSS-Aligned Assessment is Different - Explains how the CCSS-aligned assessment differs from previous assessments.
ELA/Literacy Assessment Item Alignment Professional Learning Modules - Provides modules for training efforts to guide the development of assessments aligned to the shifts required by college-and-career ready standards. Access the ELA Assessment Alignment resources to review and/or create assessment items and assessments aligned to the Shifts.
NCTE Position Statement on Formative Assessment that Truly Informs Instruction - Summarizes the recommendations from NCTE on formative assessment in literacy, including tools and strategies.
ILA Position Statement on Formative Assessment - Supports formative assessment as an integral component of a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction and assessment.
Infograph: Assessment of Learning vs Assessment for Learning - Provides a snapshot of the difference between assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Getting Started with Assessment for Learning (AFL) - Offers information on what it is, the research behind it, and what AFL looks like in practice.
Classroom Assessment Tools
Assessment for Learning - Department resources supporting formative assessment practices.
Feed-Up, Feedback, Feed Forward: Making Formative Assessment Come Alive - Provides useful, practical information for teachers implementing formative assessment. Must have a free ASCD to access webinar recording.
Performance Assessment Resource Bank - Offers access, with free log in, to tools, protocols, and templates supporting the effective use of performance assessment.
Teachers' Essential Guide to Formative Assessment - Provides strategies and tips for making formative assessment more student-centered.
Classroom Assessment Examples
Achieve the Core - Provides literacy assessment tasks that illustrate the Shifts and represent the demands of all college- and career-readiness standards.
Performance-Based Assessment: Reviewing the Basics - Describes the essential components of performance-based assessments.
WestEd: Understanding Proficiency - Provides resources that guide educators in analyzing student work on performance tasks in order to develop a deeper understanding of the (ELA)/Literacy Common Core State Standards.
Literacy Design Collaborative - Presents sample performance tasks from the free online design space, LDC CoreTools.
Teachers College Reading and Writing Project - Provides sample performance assessments aligned to Common Core Reading and Writing Standards.