The Workforce Training and Economic Development (WTED) Fund was established in 2003 as part of the Grow Iowa Values Fund. This fund has become an important source of financing for community college new program innovation, development, and capacity building, particularly for career and technical education. The funding is allocated annually using the community college state general aid distribution formula as provided for in Iowa Code 260C.18A.
The monies in the Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund may be used to support the following community college programs:
- Career Academies
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs
- Entrepreneurship Education and Small Business Assistance
- General training, retraining and educational initiatives for targeted industries
There are also other programs with separate funding sources which can be supplemented through WTED. These include:
- Accelerated Career Education (ACE) Infrastructure (260G)
- GAP Tuition Assistance Program (260I)
- Iowa Jobs Training (260F)
- National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC)
- National Advanced Manufacturing Certification (NAM)
- Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) (260H)
The WTED fund requires application of 70 percent of appropriated funds be used to support projects, programs, and initiatives that fall within Iowa’s targeted industry clusters defined in statute as advanced manufacturing, information technology and insurance, alternative and renewable energy, and life sciences, which include the areas of biotechnology, health care, and nursing technology.
Each community college is required to provide the Iowa Department of Education the opportunity to review and comment on proposed use of the funds and to provide an ongoing accountability process. Unexpended funds may be carried over to the next fiscal year; however, carryover must be noted in the annual progress report and annual plan’s appropriate sections with a documented reason for the carryover, if applicable. The colleges have the flexibility to modify their plans as needed during the year without approval.
Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund FY 2024 Progress Report and FY 2025 Plan - Annual progress report and plan outlining the proposed use of funds.
Workforce Training and Economic Development Fund Guidelines - Detailed information relating to WTED Fund.