On this page...
Inquiry In Action in Classrooms - Great resource with actual clips of Inquiry-based learning.
Do schools kill creativity? - TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson that addresses how our system is killing creativity in our kids.
Gifted, creative and highly sensitive children - TED Talk by a mother of gifted children and consultant for educators. She highlights the unique needs of gifted students.
The neuroscience of imagination - A TEDEd animation video explaining the way the brain handles imagination.
What adults can learn from kids - A child prodigy shares what adults need to learn.
The puzzle of motivation - Daniel Pink talks about how people are motivated, and rewards might not be as great as many think.
Weird, or just different? - A TED Talk that looks at different perspectives.
The Power of belief - mindset and success - This TED Talk focuses on the importance of understanding one’s own intelligence.
Back to topBlogs
Use Flexible Pacing to Embrace Students' Differences - This is a short ASCD Inservice by a teacher. It focuses on asynchronous teaching.
Does Your School Support Deep, Long-Lasting Learning? Part 2: Flexible, Student-Centered Learning - (EdWeek - Must sign in for free membership) A look at the benefits of flexible learning.
Contract Learning: Pros and Cons - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. This blog covers the basics about contracts.
How to Teach Creativity - Thoughtful Learning provides a simple overview of creativity.
Project-Based Learning - This is an Edutopia blog with numerous articles and videos on project-based learning.
50 Smart Ideas for Project-Based Learning - Teachthought created this blog and it has over 50 ideas!
Back to topCoaching Resources
Exceptionally gifted children: Different minds - From the Davidson Institute, comparing the thinking skills of extremely gifted to moderately gifted.
Teaching Abstract Thinking - HeadScratchers. Several ideas for teaching abstract thinking after using concrete examples.
Build on Their Strengths with Inductive Learning Byrdseed. Ideas to challenge gifted thinkers.
Setting the Record Straight About Ability Grouping - EdWeek - Must sign in for free membership. Research shows that ability grouping works.
Flexible Grouping as a Differentiated Instruction Strategy - TeachHub.com. What flexible groups are, how to create them, and how to manage them.
Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn: Section I: The Purpose and Power of Choice - ASCD. Overview of why and how to incorporate student choice.
Back to topOnline Self-Paced
Let's Go Back to Grouping Students by Ability - A general presentation of the research evidence of the beneficial consequences of ability grouping.
E-Learning On Demand - NAGC. Webinars, PowerPoints and audio.
Back to topSocial Media
LinkedIn (must login to view)
Gifted Talented Network
Gifted and Talented
National Association For Gifted Children
International Gifted Education
National Association for Gifted Children
Iowa Talented and Gifted
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Differentiation Toolkit Simple Strategies That Work - NAGC on YouTube.
What Does an Effectively Differentiated Classroom Look Like? - NAGC on YouTube.
The Social Emotional Development of Gifted Children - NAGC on YouTube.
Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Making It Work - edWeb.
The Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model: Challenging Gifted Students and Improving Achievement for All Free Spirit Publishing.
Project-Based Learning Webinar - Three-hour online interactive webinars by Karen Brooks.
Project Based Learning for Every Classroom - edWeb.
Back to topEvents
Iowa Talented and Gifted Association (ITAG)
Nebraska Association for the Gifted
Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted
Illinois Association for Gifted Children
Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Council for Exceptional Children - Gifted Education
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