Most Visited
Standards, Instruction & Assessment
Rigorous standards help ensure that all students are college, career, and citizen ready.
Educational Choice
Options include open enrollment, charter schools, online learning, homeschool, education savings accounts and more.
Special Education
Information for parents and educators on special education assessment, programs and services, and dispute resolution.
District Maps
Download current and historical maps of Iowa school districts in PDF format.

Data & Reporting
Data collections and education statistics, including enrollment, performance, outcomes, dropout rates, and more.
More PK-12
Accreditation & Program Approval
Advanced Learning Opportunities
Advanced Placement (AP) courses, U.S. Presidential Scholars program and U.S. Senate Youth program.
Awards & Exchange Programs for Teachers
Early Childhood
Iowa early childhood standards and programs, including Head Start, Early ACCESS and Shared Visions.
Educational Technology
Cybersecurity, online learning, and discounts and reimbursements for affordable technology and learning systems.
Educator Quality
Standards for educator and administrator quality, and information about how to become an educator.
Emergency Relief
Information on coronavirus relief packages.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Iowa’s system for accountability and support, and equity for all students, developed with broad public input.
School Operations & Support Services
School business and finance, facilities, nutrition programs and transportation.
Student Enrollment & Registration
What you need to register your child in an Iowa public school.
Student Services
Integrated student supports, prevention strategies and other specialized student support services, such as 504 plans.