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National School Lunch Program & School Breakfast Program
Federally funded programs that provide meal reimbursement to public and nonpublic schools and Residential Child Care Institutions. These Programs provide nutritionally balanced, low-cost or no-cost lunches and breakfasts to children each school day. The funds provided for these Programs are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and are administered in Iowa through the Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services in the Department of Education.
Iowa School Nutrition Overview - Provides an overview of School Nutrition Programs in Iowa including the benefits, how to build a reimbursable lunch, participation data, and reimbursement information.
Assigned Consultants
Consultant assignments for Child Nutrition Programs in schools:
Student Meal Debt
In 2018, the Iowa Legislature passed and the Governor signed into legislation HF2467 addressing student meal debt, reference Iowa Code 283A.11 for detail. The following documents provide guidance and answers pertaining to the legislation:
- HF2467 Student Lunch Debt Guidance
- HF2467 Q & A (Revised 2018)
- Developing a Meal Charging Policy - School Food Authorities are required to have a policy describing how students without funds in an account and no cash to purchase a meal will be impacted. Document provides suggestions and important points to consider in developing a policy.
USDA Waiver Requests - Public Notification
The Iowa Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services is seeking the following waivers from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service.
Submitted USDA Waiver Requests
- 2025 Ramadan Waiver Request - Approved
- Prospective Waiver for Unanticipated Closure - Approved
- Iowa Waiver Request 3-Year Administrative Review - Approved
- Extend the Administrative Review cycle from the current 3-year cycle to a 5-year cycle to allow the Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services to provide additional technical assistance and reduce the administrative burden for local public school districts, nonpublic schools, and Residential Child Care Institutions participating in the National School Lunch Program.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
See the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.
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