Understanding Assessment
Getting Started with Assessment for Learning (AFL) - Offers information on what it is, the research behind it, and what AFL looks like in practice.
Formative Assessment - Presents Iowa Department of Education resources that support formative assessment practices.
Feed Up, Back, Forward - Offers three components of any powerful feedback system and how to align the multiple measures to create a coherent system of data collection, analysis, and instruction.
Performance-Based Assessment: Reviewing the Basics - Describes the essential components of performance-based assessments.
Listening and Speaking: Formative Assessment - Highlights the Listening and Speaking Standards by increasing students’ ability to engage in quality substantive conversations.
Understanding Science Assessment
Seeing Students Learn Science is a user-friendly report from the National Academy of Science that includes examples of science assessment formats, ways to embed assessments in classroom activities, and ideas for interpreting and using assessment information.
Proficiency in Science: Assessment Challenges and Opportunities
Sample Science Standards Evidence Statements articulate how students can use the science and engineering practices to demonstrate their understanding of the disciplinary core ideas through the lens of the cross cutting concepts. Each performance expectation has an associated evidence statement.
Understanding/Building Science Formative Assessment
Introduction to Formative Assessment in Science
How to Assess 3D Learning: Building Assessment Tasks That Work
Science 3D Formative Assessment Short Course
Formative assessment for Next Generation Science Standards
Science Classroom Assessment Examples
Next Generation Science Assessment has developed example interactive tasks based on sets of performance expectations/standards. These sample performance tasks may be viewed from a link on the website homepage.
Michigan three-dimensional tasks project provides 10 example three-dimensional tasks that can be used in the classroom in a single day or over multiple days.
Stanford NGSS Assessment Project (SNAP) provides example assessments that were designed for sample NGSS performance expectations.
Performance Assessment Resource Bank - Offers access, with free log in, to tools, protocols, and templates for designing performance assessments.