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Approved Online Public or Nonpublic Schools in Iowa

Providers meeting the minimum requirements to operate an approved online school in the state of Iowa. Schools are responsible for providing an appropriately Iowa-licensed teacher and alignment to applicable State and Federal academic standards. (Iowa Code 256.9 subsection 55)

Approved Online Public or Nonpublic Schools in Iowa

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Application to Become an Approved Online Public or Nonpublic School in Iowa

Public and nonpublic schools may offer online courses or programs for their own students without applying for approval. Public schools must apply for approval if they offer online programs primarily for the purposes of open enrollment. 

District or Accredited Nonpublic Online Schools Approval Application

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Approved Online Charter Schools

Charter schools can be either face-to-face online.

Approved Online Charter Schools in Iowa

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Approved Private Providers of Online Content for Iowa Schools

Private providers meeting the minimum requirements to provider online content in the state of Iowa. Schools are responsible for providing teachers who are appropriately licensed in Iowa and for ensuring that the course content is in alignment with applicable State and Federal academic standards. (Iowa Code 256.9 subsection 55

Approved Private Providers of Online Content for Iowa Schools

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Application to Become an Approved Private Provider of Online Content for Iowa Schools

Private Providers of Online Course(s) Approval Application

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Virtual/Online Education Guidance

Virtual/Online Education Guidance - Defines key online learning terms, provides an overview of changes to Iowa Code since the 2018 legislative session, answers frequently asked questions, and provides additional guidance and relevant contact information.

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Iowa e-Learning Central

Iowa e-Learning Central is Iowa’s online exchange for learning content, resources and collaboration

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Learning Management System Funding

Learning Management System Funding - Information about funding available to reimburse public school districts for costs associated with the purchase and licensing of a qualifying learning management system (LMS).


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