According to House File 2618, candidates who want to earn their teaching license for certain endorsements must take the Foundations of Reading test. This test checks how well they understand the basics in the science of reading and teaching literacy.

As decided by the Iowa Department of Education, the test is required for the following endorsements:

  • K-6 Teacher Elementary Classroom, Endorsement 102
  • K-8 Reading, Endorsement 148
  • PK-K Teacher, PreKindergarten-Kindergarten Classroom, Endorsement 103
  • Birth-Grade 3 Inclusive Settings, Endorsement 1001
  • K-8 Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate, Endorsement 260
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Candidate Information & Requirements

To sign up for the test, candidates should visit the Iowa Pearson website.

Iowa teacher candidates should work with their educator preparation program about when to take the test and opportunities to improve, if needed. If they have questions about the test, they should first contact their college or university.

The test will be given by Pearson. Find more information on the Foundations of Reading assessment website. If candidates have technical questions while registering or taking the test, use Contact Us webpage at Pearson for help.

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Candidate Resources

The following resources are available to assist candidates in preparation for the Foundations of Reading assessment.

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Education Preparation Programs Resources

The following resources are available to assist programs in developing curriculum aligned to the assessment.

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Assessment Results

Programs must give the test to chosen groups of candidates starting in January 2025. They need to report the results from Jan. 2, 2025, to July 30, 2025, by Aug. 1, 2025, and every year after that. Pass rates will be shared on the Iowa Department of Education website starting Aug. 30, 2025.

The passing score, set by the Department, is 240, which is the national benchmark. Each year, colleges must report to the Department by Aug. 1 the percentage of students who scored above, at or below the passing score. Educator preparation programs also need to report services or chances for students to retake the test if they don’t pass with a score of 240.

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Teacher candidates should talk to their educator preparation program to learn about what they need to do to finish the program.

Contact Pearson directly using the Pearson Contact Us webpage.

For more information about the assessment, email or Lindsay Harrison at

Staff and teachers in the educator preparation program with questions about the assessment should email

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