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What does summative and formative assessment in social studies look like in the 21st century? These resources provide examples of current trends in assessment and research-based ways of thinking about best practices social studies assessment.
- Social Studies Assessment White Paper - Outlines current research around social studies assessment. The paper also explores the challenges of classroom-based versus large-scale assessments and examines some existing models of thinking about assessment.
- Criteria for Procuring and Evaluating High-quality Assessments - Outlines a set of criteria for creating high quality assessments. Note: Some elements of this article are more specific to mathematics and literacy.
- Understanding What Children Know About History: Exploring the Representation and Testing Dilemmas by S.G. Grant
- Beyond the Bubble by Joel Breakstone
- Can Assessment Improve Learning? Thoughts on the C3 Framework
Formative and Summative Assessment
Beyond the Bubble - Unlocks the vast digital archive of the Library of Congress to create a new generation of history assessments. Developed by the Stanford History Education Group.
Educating with Evidence - Southern Illinois University has created over one hundred assessments that use primary sources. The assessments are openly available.
Optional Social Studies Performance Assessments - Assessments developed by the Washington Department of Education.
Assessment Resource Center for History (ARCH) - A framework for assessment that measures the process of historical thinking, as well as the retention of prior knowledge. The ARCH features three assessment types: weighted multiple-choice items, traditional multiple-choice items, and performance assessment tasks.
Back to topPerformance Assessment
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) - Provides several resources to support to schools and districts that have committed to adopting performance-based assessment as part of a multiple-measures system for evaluating student learning and measuring school performance. Some helpful resources include:
- Performance Assessment Resource Bank
- Scoring Systems in History/Social Studies: High Quality Rubrics
- Key Features of Well Designed Rubrics
- SCALE Checklist for Quality Rubric Design
- Quality Criteria for Performance Assessment in History and Social Studies
- Performance Assessment Quality Criteria
- Selecting and Adapting Performance Assessment Tasks
Examples - Performance Assessment Quality Rubric
- SCALE My Quality Performance Assessment Template
Standards-Based Grading
Standards-Based Grading Videos - A collection of standards-based grading videos and resources, including information in social studies specific practices for standards based grading.
Back to topAdvanced Placement
The College Board Course and Exam Pages
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