Iowa's Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP) for Four-Year-Old Children, established on May 10, 2007, aims to give every young child in Iowa an opportunity to build a strong foundation for learning. Children who are 4 years of age on or before September 15 can enroll and attend quality preschool programs at no cost to families.

preschool children
Quality Counts

SWVPP Fact Sheet

Iowa’s Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for Four-Year-Old Children is an important part of the state’s comprehensive early childhood effort, providing more opportunities for young children.

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Awarded Applicants

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District Program Requirements & Assurances

List items for SWVPP District Program Requirements & Assurances

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Resources for SWVPP Educators

List items for Resources for SWVPP Educators

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SWVPP Virtual Office Hours

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