
Special Education Programs & Services

At the Iowa Department of Education, our vision is for Iowa learners to experience high levels of success and develop the capacity to continually grow as successful, healthy, and productive citizens in a global community. Under IDEA ‘04, Secondary Transition services are a required component of Special Education that ensures we are individualizing this vision for learners with IEPs. Secondary Transition refers to the planning process for moving from high school to post high school outcomes. Per the Iowa Administrative Rules of Special Education, this planning process begins no later than the student’s 14th birthday and can even begin sooner, if determined appropriate by the IEP team.  

When a student with an IEP enters the Secondary Transition planning process, there is a shift in the focus of the IEP.  We begin to look at and intentionally plan for postsecondary outcomes in the areas of living, learning and working. The postsecondary expectations (PSEs) are the core of the IEP planning process. The IEP team uses the PSEs to guide the development of the IEP to address the student’s plans for life beyond high school.  With a focus on outcomes, the IEP team can identify what Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) may be needed, as well as identifying any services, supports or linkages that the student may need for postsecondary success. Ultimately, each student should leave high school with a plan for reaching their postsecondary goals.

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Guiding Practices

Iowa utilizes the SDI Framework for Secondary Transition to guide the development of transition services. Previously, the Iowa Transition Model had been used to ensure that IEP teams had a process for quality IEP planning in accordance with IDEA requirements. The Iowa Transition Model is now embedded within the SDI Framework for Secondary Transition. Each step or component of the Iowa Transition Model has been aligned to a key component of the SDI Framework: Diagnose, Design, Delivery and Engage. The SDI Framework for Secondary Transition also encompasses the six critical elements of Secondary Transition planning:

  1. Student preferences and interests
  2. Age appropriate transition assessments
  3. Post-secondary expectations for living, learning, and working
  4. Course of Study
  5. Annual goals
  6. Services and supports
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Recent changes in IDEA 2004 have influenced how transition is identified and increased the scrutiny with which secondary transition is regarded. IDEA 2004 defines transition services as:

Section 602 (34) Transition Services: The term ‘transition services’ means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that:

(A) is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s move from school to post-school activities including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

(B) is based upon the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences and interests; and

(C) includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living skills and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. 602(34)

IDEA 2004 goes on further in Section 614 to describe content that should be included in the IEP to address transition:

(VIII) beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child is 16 and updated annually thereafter:

(aa) Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment and where appropriate, independent living skills;

(bb) the transition services (including courses of study) needed by the child to reach those goals, including services to be provided by other agencies when needed;

(cc) Beginning no later than 1 year before the child reaches the age of majority under State law, a statement that the child has been informed of the child's rights under this title, if any, that will transfer to the child on reaching the age of majority under section 615(m). 614(d)(1)(A)(VII)

Although federal statute now requires transition planning to begin at age 16, Iowa continues to begin secondary transition planning at age 14.

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Graduation Changes for Individuals Eligible for Special Education

Administrative Consideration for Special Education Graduation - Provides an overview and implications related to Iowa's special education rule change regarding graduation for individuals eligible for special education.

Graduation Guidance for IEP Teams - This document provides an overview of state changes to graduation requirements for students eligible for special education and provides considerations for local districts and IEP teams.

Graduation Information and Guidance Families - Contains an overview of the changes related to graduation for students receiving special education services, along with information about how this will impact students and actions that families might take as they are learning more about this change.

Graduation Guidance for Parents Video - This is a video version of the "Graduation Information and Guidance for Families document list above. The video contains an overview of the changes related to graduation for students receiving special education services, along with information about how this will impact students and actions that families might take as they are learning more about this change.

Guidance - High School Graduation Requirements for students on IEPs - Recorded 01-28-2019. The Iowa State Board of Education amended Iowa’s special education rules to conform with ESSA-required language related to the graduation of individuals eligible for special education. This webinar provides the guidance needed for districts and special education teams as they implement the changes to Iowa's special education rules regarding graduation for students with IEPs.

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4+ Services

4+ Services Review and Updates Webinar - Recorded 2-25-2020. Updated information for AEA and LEA staff related to the findings from the 2019 desk audit of 4+ programs. These materials also include some basic information related to making appropriate programming decisions for students' postsecondary placements. PowerPoint Slides

4+ Services Review and Updates Webinar - Recorded 5-19-2020. Updated information related to 4+ services offered on community college campuses, including the findings from the 2019 desk audit and some suggested resolutions to improve services for students. PowerPoint Slides

Guidance on 4+ Services Webinar - Recorded 2-7-2017. Covers the updated guidance on 4+ services for students who have an IEP which was released in January 2017. The presentation provides a foundation to assist IEP teams in the decision making process, a description of what 4+ services are and are not and the responsibilities of the LEA, including the financial obligations of the LEA.

Guidance on 4+ Services (12-18-2024)

Sample Contract for Districts Related to Contracts with a Community College 4+ Transition Service Provider

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Age of Majority








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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Memorandum of Agreement Between Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) and Iowa Department of Education (Department) - Provides information about how IVRS and the Department work together to serve students, including considerations for AEAs and LEAs.

Memorandum of Agreement Between Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB) and Iowa Department of Education - Provides information about how IDB and the Department work together to serve students, including considerations for AEAs and LEAs.

Memorandum of Agreement Between IVRS and IDB - Provides information about how IVRS and IDB work together to serve students. It helps to clarify questions about who should be contacted for which students.

Local School Plan Implementation Webinar - Recorded 9-15-2021. This webinar is hosted by the Department, IVRS and the IDB. It reviews WIOA briefly and outlines best practices for implementation of the Local School Plan. Presentation Slides

Department of Education, Local Education Agency, Iowa Department for the Blind and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Collaboration Frequently Asked Questions

Guidance Memo: School Responsibility for Employment Preparation

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Additional Resources

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