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Vision of Science Education in Iowa

All Iowa students graduate with the understanding of scientific concepts and practices to make sense of scientific phenomena in order to critically and creatively respond to local and global issues, make informed, evidence-based decisions, and actively participate in civic and cultural affairs.

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Laws and Regulations

Chapter 12 of the Iowa Administrative Code describes science instruction at grade levels 1-12, which includes the following:

d. 12.5(3) Elementary program, Grades 1-6 and 12.5(4) Junior high program, Grades 7 and 8.
Science. Science instruction shall include life, earth, and physical science and shall incorporate hands-on process skills; scientific knowledge; application of the skills and knowledge to students and society; conservation of natural resources; and environmental awareness.

12.5(5) High school program, Grades 9-12.

d. Science (five units). Science instruction shall include biological, earth, and physical science, including physics and chemistry. Full units of physics and chemistry shall be taught but may be offered in alternate years. All science instruction shall incorporate hands-on process skills; scientific knowledge; the application of the skills and knowledge to students and society; conservation of natural resources; and environmental awareness.

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Science and STEM Teaching Endorsements

In Iowa, teacher licensure is handled by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. For the requirements for teaching endorsements in Science and STEM, use the following links:

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Professional Organization

National Science Teachers Association

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AEA Science Websites

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