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Educational Choice

A charter school is a public school that must operate with a governing board, independently of any school committee under a five year charter granted by the Iowa State Board of Education (State Board). It has the freedom to organize around a core mission, curriculum, theme, and/or teaching method and to control its own budget and hire (and fire) teachers and staff. In return for this freedom, a charter school must attract students and produce positive results within five years or risk losing its charter. There are two categories of charter schools in Iowa:

  1. School board model. A school board may create a founding group to apply to the state board for approval to establish and operate a charter school within and as a part of the school district by (i) establishing a new attendance center, (ii) creating a new school within an existing attendance center, or (iii) converting an existing attendance center to charter status.
  2. Founding group model. A founding group may apply to the state board for approval to establish and operate a charter school within the boundaries of the state that operates as a new attendance center independently from a public school district.

All potential charter schools must complete an application to establish charter school status the year prior to operation. [256E.1, 256E4, 256E.5]

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General Information

Charter school laws were established in 2002 under Iowa Code 256F, which resulted in the authorization of two charter schools in Iowa. On July 1, 2021, Iowa Code 256E as well as House File 813 and 847, and Senate File 2368 were signed into law.  Any entity that seeks charter school authorization in the state of Iowa must follow all codes and regulations under Iowa Code 256E. Note that charter schools established prior to July 1, 2021 are subject to requirements under Iowa Code 256F; no other charter schools may be established under this law.

Iowa Charter School General FAQ - More information about charter schools.

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Parent Support

Parents have a variety of educational choice options for their children to obtain a high quality education in Iowa. Attending a charter school is one option. Open enrollment does not apply to charter schools, therefore parents may enroll students based on the charter school’s enrollment procedures, including deadlines (if any).  See Authorized Charter Schools.

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Any founding group may apply to establish a public charter school. If a founding group is created by a school board, the charter may be established in three ways: as a new attendance center, developing a new school within an existing attendance center, or converting an existing attendance center to a charter. If a founding group is created independent of a school district, the charter may be established and operate within the boundaries of the state [256E.1(2)].

2024-25 Charter School Application Timeline

2024-25 Charter School Application Timeline
ActionDue Date
  1. Notice of Intent to Apply
Aug. 2 - Sept. 3, 2024
  1. Application Support Webinar
 Aug. 21, 2024
  1. Applicant Office Hours
September - October 2024
  1. Application Deadline
Nov. 1, 2024
  1. Application Review
    Completed 75 calendar days after submission

November 2024 - January 2025

  • Authorization occurs during the January 2025 State Board meeting
  1. Public Forums and Applicant Capacity Interviews
November 2024 - January 2025
  1. Contract Established
    Completed 30 days after authorization

Feb. 14, 2025

  • Contract approval occurs during the February 2025 State Board meeting


1.  Notice of Intent to Apply

To ensure timeliness and the complete review of Charter School Applications, a Notice of Intent to Apply is solicited at least 60 days prior to the application deadline of November 1. For the 2024-2025 year, the notice is due on September 3, 2024. Submission of this completed form serves as the official Notice of Intent. Questions about this form may be directed to Please note that this form is voluntary. Not completing the Notice of Intent to Apply does not make a potential applicant ineligible to apply; however, completing this notice supports the Department in timely and effective review of applications.

2. Application Support Webinar(s)

Information about Application Support Webinars is provided to any entity that completes the Notice of Intent to Apply.

3. Applicant Office Hours

There may be additional support webinars between August 21-September 30 for potential applicants, which will be communicated to potential applicants if scheduled.

4. Application Deadline

Applicants must complete and submit an application that best fits the selected charter model:

5. Application Review

All applications will be reviewed by the Department to evaluate charter school readiness and capacity using criteria consistent with nationally recognized principles and standards. The Department Review Team is composed of Department staff who are experts in their respective areas, as well as external members selected based on specific area(s) of expertise as needed for a well-rounded team. 

6. Public Forums and Applicant Capacity Interviews

Each application review not only includes a thorough review of the submitted application, but also:

  • A public forum, which is an opportunity for local residents of the public school district within which the applicant proposes to locate the charter school to learn about and provide input on each application. Each applicant will be required to hold such a public forum, and provide specific information about the forum date, time, content and attendance to the Department. 
  • An in-person interview that will be scheduled post-review of the application materials.

Additional information about the forums and interviews is provided to applicants during the application review process.

7. Contract Established

If an applicant is authorized by the State Board to be a Charter School, a contract must be on file within 30 days. Technical assistance is provided to authorized charter schools.

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Charter Schools are required to submit annual reports to the State Board by Oct. 1 of each year (256.12). The purpose of the report is to assist the state board in evaluating the charter school’s performance and compliance with the performance framework. The reports must include information regarding student achievement, including annual academic growth and proficiency, graduation rates, and financial performance and sustainability. The reports are public records and the examination, publication, and dissemination of the reports are governed by the provisions of chapter 22.

In turn, the State Board is required to submit an annual comprehensive report to the general assembly by Dec. 1, of each year (256.12). The Oct. 1 charter school reports serve as a basis for the State Board report, which additionally includes the following for each charter: (a) purpose, goals and update on each stated goal, (b) mission statement, (c) attendance statistics, (d) dropout rate (e) aggregate assessment test scores, (f) projections of financial stability, (g) number and qualifications of teachers and administrators, (h) findings (compliance), and (i) recommendations whether each charter is meeting its set goals and purpose.

November 2023 Charter School and Innovation Zone School Report (Storm Lake Charter School, West Central Charter School)

November 2023 Charter School Program Findings and Recommendations Report (Choice Charter School, Hamburg Charter High School

November 2022 Charter School and Innovation Zone School Report (Storm Lake Charter School, West Central Charter School)

November 2022 Charter School Program Findings and Recommendations Report (Choice Charter School, Hamburg Charter High School)

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Authorized Charter Schools

Authorized Charter Schools List

+Opening doors in August 2025; *School Board Model


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