The local needs assessment must be completed by each eligible recipient of federal Perkins funds, which includes individual school districts, school districts that are part of a consortium and community colleges. The CLNA focuses on six broad elements:

  • Student Performance
  • Size, Scope, Quality and Implementation of CTE Programs/Programs of Study
  • Labor Market Alignment
  • Recruitment, Retention and Training of CTE Educators
  • Equity and Access
  • Safety for CTE Program(s), Building(s), and District(s)

Recognizing these similarities between the secondary self-study, postsecondary accreditation ad the CLNA, the Department developed a strategy for weaving together the CLNA and program approval processes by focusing on the maintenance of rigorous processes that emphasize continuous program improvement and efficiency achievement that minimize duplication of efforts on the part of programs, districts, community colleges and the Regional Planning Partnerships. What follows is a general overview of the process; more detailed guidance and templates will follow.

  • 1a, b. Secondary and postsecondary career and technical education programs complete the respective program approval process. For secondary programs, this involves the completion of the revised self-study document. Postsecondary programs complete a program review according to institutional practices that satisfy requirements established by statute and relevant accrediting bodies.
  • 2a. The Regional Planning Partnership coordinates a peer review of the secondary program approval self-studies.&
  • 2b. Institution-wide teams convene to review relevant program information and complete the Perkins V needs assessment template. The template will clearly indicate the information to be reviewed by the team.
  • 3b. After the needs assessment is complete, the Regional Planning Partnership convenes all eligible recipients to review the assessments and identify general needs and strategies for the region.
  • 1c. The Regional Planning Partnership uses relevant information the program approval and needs assessment processes to inform the development of the multi-year plan.
  • 4b. Once all steps in the needs assessment process are complete, each eligible recipient will complete the Perkins V application (skip step 3b). The application is reviewed and approved for a 4-year period. Programs will also review the regional needs assessment strategies and Perkins application, and use these resources to inform the development of the self-study and implementation of the program action plans.

District-Level Phase (Year 3) 2021-22

CLNA Year 3 Information

Regional Phase (Year 2) 2020-21

2021 Iowa CLNA Regional Phase Worksheets