On this page...
English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards
- ELP Standards Overview - Provides background on the purpose and design of the ELP Standards.
- Proficiency Level Descriptors for English Language Proficiency Standards
- ELP Standards - Outlines details of the ELP Standards.
- ELP Standards for ELs with Significant Cognitive Disabilities - Outlines ELP Standards as appropriate for ELs with significant cognitive disabilities.
- English Learner Tool Kit - Information and resources from the U.S. Department of Education about serving ELs.
- Supporting Students with Disabilities and English Learners (CCSSO)
Key Shifts
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in Iowa - Iowa’s plan to meet ESSA requirement for LEA Report Card including measures of Academic Achievement, Graduation Rate, and Progress in achieving ELP indicators
- Cutting to the Common Core, Changing the Playing Field Part 1 and Part 2 - Explore eight shifts to help students from diverse backgrounds be successful in meeting rigorous standards.
- The Shifts and ELLs - Tips and strategies for addressing shifts in ELA standards for ELs.
Supporting English Learners in Academic Settings
Bilingual/Dual Language Immersion Bi/DLI
Content Area Instruction Content
Co-teach Co-T
Formative Assessment FA
Newcomers New
One on One 1:1
Pull out Pull
Scaffolding/Comprehension Strategies/Differentiation Comp/Diff
Sheltered Content SC
Stages of Language Acquisition SLA
Technology Tech
Trends in EL Education Trends
Vocabulary Vocab
Use of Native Language L1
Research-Based Strategies
Literacy for Early Childhood
ELL Strategy Toolbox Vocab - Includes protocols and strategies for teaching K-12 ELs with a focus on academic conversations.
Bilingual Education Bi/DLI - Brief description of effective research-based strategies by David and Yvonne Freeman.
Exemplary Programs for Newcomer English Language Learners at the Secondary Level New - Report of survey findings and case studies of newcomer programs.
The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners (TESOL) SLA, FA - Modules with teaching tips and ready-to-use classroom activities that support each of the principles.
Content Areas (see also Comp/Diff, SLA)
Stanford Understanding Language’s Practice in the Content Areas - Addresses language demands in academic areas.
Education Northwest’s Links to Research on Instruction for ELs in Content Areas - Lists research on instructional practices and programs in various academic areas.
Scaffolding Instruction for ELLs - Engage NY’s guidance for English Language Arts (ELA) and math.
Supporting ELLs in Mathematics - Includes resources for teaching math to ELLs.
Principles for the Design of Mathematics Curricula - Presents principles and related tools for promoting development of language and math content together.
Social Studies
Social Studies Instruction for ELLs
Language Arts
Persuasion Across Time and Space - A model ELA unit highlighting promising instructional approaches for ELs.
Resources for Planning, Differentiation, Scaffolding and Selecting Materials
Language Acquisition Overview SLA - Details the stages of language acquisition including instructional strategies, recommendations and resources for teachers.
Do Your Materials Meet English Learners’ Needs? Content - Presents an inventory for assessing instructional materials from an EL perspective.
Language Magazine - A collection of EL-related articles.
English Learners Success Forum Comp/Diff - Database of searchable scaffolds and activities for content learning.
Content Instruction for ELs Comp/Diff - Provides strategies and resources for providing language support for ELLs to be successful in a variety of content areas such as mathematics, science, ELA, social studies and the arts.
Edutopia - Articles about improving instruction for ELs.
Lesson Planning for ELLs - This ColorÃn Colorado site features resources related to planning lessons that target the needs of ELLs.
Strengths-Based Instruction for ELs Comp/Diff - Use of home language to support content learning.
Translanguaging Guides L1 - Provides videos & reference materials to support the use of students’ native languages in the classroom with a specific focus on the Core.
In Their Own Words L1 - Tips for use of students’ native language in classroom instruction.
Differentiation and RTI for ELLs Comp/Diff - Features resources for teachers on differentiating instruction for ELLs.
Bilingual Education Bi/DLI - Publications of Ofelia GarcÃa.
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