The Iowa Department of Education is seeking public feedback on an updated draft rubric for reviewing evidence-based professional development services that AEAs provide to public schools and accredited nonpublic schools. Interested parties can provide feedback by completing the professional development rubric survey by June 20.

HF 2612 requires the Iowa Department of Education to “develop and distribute to school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and area education agencies a list of evidence-based professional development services that an area education agency may provide to a public school or accredited nonpublic school…” In the Department's regular meetings with AEA leadership, developing and implementing this process in 2024 for the 2025-26 school year has been identified as a priority. 

In implementing these provisions of HF 2612, the Department will develop a list of evidence-based professional development services informed by expert reviews based on a public rubric.

To inform this process and the public rubric, the Department conducted three listening sessions in May 2024, inviting 1) all AEA chiefs and AEA special education and education services leaders; 2) the Curriculum Network, including school district curriculum directors and other instructional leaders; and 3) all superintendents. The Department then updated the draft public rubric, reflecting the feedback received in these listening sessions.