Each endorsement links to the listing of colleges offering that program. NA means no longer available, however holders of the endorsement retain their authority.

Endorsements List
1001Birth-Grade 3 Inclusive Settings
101K-12 Athletic Coach
102K-6 Teacher Elementary Classroom
103PK-K Teacher, PreKindergarten-Kindergarten Classroom
104K-12 English as a Second Language
107PK-12 Talented & Gifted
108K-8 Elementary School Teacher Librarian
1095-12 Secondary School Teacher Librarian
1125-12 Agriculture
113K-8 Art
1145-12 Art
11715-12 Business - All
1185-12 Driver Safety & Education
119K-8 Language Arts
120 5-12 English/Language Arts
12015-12 Language Arts - All
121K-8 Chinese
1225-12 Chinese
123K-8 French
1245-12 French
125K-8 German
1265-12 German
127K-8 Japanese
1285-12 Japanese
129K-8 Latin
1305-12 Latin
131K-8 Russian
1325-12 Russian
133K-8 Spanish
1345-12 Spanish
135K-8 Language (other)
1365-12 Language (other)
137K-8 Health
1385-12 Health
1395-12 Family & Consumer Sciences - General
1405-12 Industrial Technology
1415-12 Journalism
142K-8 Mathematics
14215-8 Algebra for H.S. Credit
1435-12 Mathematics
14315-12 Mathematics - Basic
144K-8 Music
1455-12 Music
146K-8 Physical Education
1475-12 Physical Education
148K-8 Reading
1495-12 Reading
150K-8 Science
1515-12 Biology
1525-12 Chemistry
1535-12 Earth Science
15415-12 Science - Basic
1565-12 Physics
1575-12 American Government
1585-12 American History
1595-12 Anthropology
1605-12 Economics
1615-12 Geography
162K-8 History
1635-12 Psychology
164K-8 Social Studies
1655-12 Sociology
1665-12 World History
167K-8 Speech/Theatre
1685-12 Speech/Theatre
171PK-12 Superintendent & AEA Administrator
172School Counselor K-8
173School Counselor 5-12
174K-12 School Teacher Librarian
175PK-12 School Nurse
176K-12 Reading Specialist
1761K-12 Dyslexia Specialist
177K-8 Norwegian
1785-12 Norwegian
179K-8 Italian
1805-12 Italian
181K-12 American Sign Language
18215-8 Middle School Language Arts
18225-8 Middle School Mathematics
18235-8 Middle School Science
18245-8 Middle School Social Studies
1855-12 Science - All
1865-12 Social Sciences - All
18615-12 Social Sciences - Basic
187K-8 Portuguese
1885-12 Portuguese
189PK-12 Principal/PK-12 Special Education Supervisor
190Evaluator Approval
233K-12 Supervisor Special Education/Instruction
2345-12 Work Experience Coordinator
235B-21 School Audiologist
236B-21 School Psychologist
237B-21 Speech-Language Pathologist
239Director Special Education
240B-21 School Social Worker
250Special Education Consultant
258Professional Service Administrator
259K-12 Strategist I and II - All
260K-8 Instructional Strategist I: Mild Moderate
2615-12 Instructional Strategist I: Mild Moderate
262PK-K Early Childhood Special Education
263K-12 Instructional Strategist II: BD LD
264K-12 Instructional Strategist II: ID
265K-12 Instructional Strategist II: Physically Handicapped
266Birth-21 Deaf or Hard of Hearing
267Birth-21 Visually Impaired
277K-8 Computer Science
2785-12 Computer Science
2781K-12 Computer Science Specialist
2795-12 CTE Information Technology
3055-12 Multioccupations
9745-12 Engineering
975K-8 STEM
9765-8 STEM
977K-12 STEM Specialist

Educational Licensure Office & Staff Directory

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Office Location:
701 E Court Ave,  Suite A
Des Moines, IA  50309

Iowa Board of Educational Examiners Office