This program, as the name implies, is intended to cover any remaining gap between federal and state grants/scholarships and tuition and qualified fees. Credentials include postsecondary certificates, diplomas and associate degrees.

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Eligible Students

The Last-Dollar Scholarship is available to:

  • Students who recently completed an Iowa high school diploma, a homeschool program, or high school equivalency diploma, OR students (age 20 and older)
  • Enroll at least part-time in an eligible program of study
  • Apply for all other available state and federal grants and scholarships
  • Meet ongoing requirements
  • Have a Student Aid Index (SAI) at or below $20,000
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Eligible Schools

Eligible institutions are Iowa community colleges or accredited private colleges in Iowa that offer qualified programs of study and that agree to provide student services (including orientation and academic and career advising).

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Eligible Programs

Because the directory of eligible programs list is based on job demand, it might change from year to year. Students whose programs are removed from the list will still be eligible for the Last-Dollar Scholarship until they complete their credentials or leave school, as long as they meet all other eligibility criteria.

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Required Application

File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

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Important Dates

June 30, 2025: FAFSA deadline for 2024-2025 school year

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Ongoing Eligibility Requirements

If you have already been awarded a Last-Dollar Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria to remain eligible:

  • Remain an Iowa resident
  • Attend a college orientation session
  • Register for courses with the assistance of an advisor
  • Participate in available academic advising sessions
  • Participate in available career advising sessions if required by your program of study
  • Continuously receive a Last-Dollar Scholarship disbursement in each semester/term (summer semester/term is not required)
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by your college
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually
  • Remain continuously enrolled in at least 6 hours per semester/term (summer semester/term is not required)
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Future Ready Iowa College Success Support

Last-Dollar Scholars are eligible to receive additional support through college success coaching, and the Future Ready Iowa Texting Program. Last-Dollar Scholars will benefit from receiving electronic nudges and in-person personalized guidance on navigating college life.

  • College success coaches are available to guide and support students throughout Iowa. They will deliver helpful reminders and connect students with academic resources and student services. Coaches are available to meet virtually with scholars for assistance.
  • The Future Ready Iowa Texting Program will provide students with timely reminders and tips, as well as the opportunity to communicate with their college coach for answers to college success questions. All scholars will be automatically opted in to receive text message support with the option to opt out at any time.

For more information or to request college success support from your coach, contact

Award Amounts

Last-Dollar Scholarship amounts are based on Iowa community college tuition and are calculated after all other federal and state non-repayable aid (grants and scholarships, but not student loans) is taken into account. 

Community College Example

Community college tuition and qualified fees
- Federal and state scholarships and grants
= Last-Dollar Scholarship award

Private College Example

Average community college tuition and qualified fees
- Federal and state scholarships and grants
= Last-Dollar Scholarship award

Award Limits

Recipients may receive the Last-Dollar Scholarship for up to 8 part-time semesters or the full-time equivalent.

Required Applications


Important Dates

June 30, 2025 : FAFSA deadline for 2024-2025 school year
TBD: FAFSA deadline for 2025-26 school year


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