Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.

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Alternate Inquiry Anchor Standard

Constructing Questions

EE.SS.4.1. Identify a supporting question that answers the compelling question in a familiar inquiry.

Constructing Supporting Questions

EE.SS.4.2. N/A

Developing Claims and Using Evidence

EE.SS.4.3. Identify a response to a compelling question that uses evidence.

Communicating and Critiquing Conclusions

EE.SS.4.4. Identify responses to a compelling question that use relevant details.

Taking Informed Action

EE.SS.4.5. Identify a civic problem within their classroom or community, and one possible consequence of an action to solve that problem.

EE.SS.4.6. N/A

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Alternate Content Anchor Standard

Behavioral Science

Recognize the Interaction Between the Individual and Various Groups

EE.SS.4.7. Identify one cause of conflict or collaboration among different social groups.


Apply Civic Virtues and Democratic Principles

EE.SS.4.8. Identify how democratic principles guide government, societies, and/or communities.

Interpret Processes, Rules and Laws

EE.SS.4.9. Identify how the enforcement of a law changed society (i.e. seat belts, speed limits).

EE.SS.4.10. N/A


Engage in Economic Decision Making

EE.SS.4.11. N/A

Critique Exchange and Markets

EE.SS.4.12. N/A

EE.SS.4.13. N/A

Evaluate the National Economy

EE.SS.4.14. Identify a reason why the cost of goods and services change.

Financial Literacy

Create a Saving and Spending Plan

EE.SS.4.15. Identify a reason why a person would choose to spend or save their money.

Measure Risk Management Tools

EE.SS.4.16. N/A


Create Geographic Representations

EE.SS.4.17. Create a geographic representation identifying natural resources in an area.

Evaluate Human Environment Interaction

EE.SS.4.18. Identify why people live in specific places or regions.

Analyze Human Population Movement and Patterns

EE.SS.4.19. Identify the different methods of transportation used throughout United States History.


Analyze Change, Continuity, and Context

EE.SS.4.20. Identify events that happened at the same time.

Compare Perspectives

EE.SS.4.21. N/A

Critique Historical Sources and Evidence

EE.SS.4.22. Identify the intended audience of a historical document.

Justify Causation and Argumentation

EE.SS.4.23. N/A

EE.SS.4.24. N/A

Iowa History

EE.SS.4.25. Identify technological change in Iowa across time.

EE.SS.4.26. Identify changes in Iowa's agriculture over time.

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