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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topAlternate Inquiry Anchor Standard
Constructing Questions
EE.SS.1.1. With guidance and support identify the compelling question about a familiar topic.
Constructing Supporting Questions
EE.SS.1.2. N/A
Gathering and Evaluating Sources
EE.SS.1.3. With guidance and support, identify a primary factual source.
Communicating and Critiquing Conclusions
EE.SS.1.4. With guidance and support, identify an example that could be used to answer a compelling question.
Taking Informed Action
EE.SS.1.5. With guidance and support, identify the decision about a civic problem in the classroom.
EE.SS.1.6. N/A
Back to topAlternate Content Anchor Standard
Behavioral Science
Recognize the Interaction Between the Individual and Various Groups
EE.SS.1.7. N/A
Examine Factors that Led to Continuity and Change on Human Development and Behavior
EE.SS.1.8. With guidance and support, identify one cultural practice within your community or around the world.
Apply Civic Virtues and Democratic Principles
EE.SS.1.9. N/A
Interpret Processes, Rules and Laws
EE.SS.1.10. Determine a procedure for how people can effectively work together to make decisions to improve their classrooms or communities.
Engage in Economic Decision Making
EE.SS.1.11. With guidance and support, identify local goods and services.
Assess the Global Economy
EE.SS.1.12. With guidance and support, identify what goods and services are traded with other countries.
Financial Literacy
Develop Financial and Career Goals
EE.SS.1.13. With guidance and support, identify different jobs in the community.
Analyze Credit and Debt Levels
EE.SS.1.14. With guidance and support, identify the meaning of borrow.
Evaluate Savings and Long-Term Investments
EE.SS.1.15. With guidance and support, identify the purpose of banks in the community.
Create Geographic Representations
EE.SS.1.16. With guidance and support, identify the difference between maps, globes, and other simple geographic models.
Evaluate Human Environment Interaction
EE.SS.1.17. N/A
Analyze Human Population Movement and Patterns
EE.SS.1.18. With guidance and support, identify a route on a map.
EE.SS.1.19. With guidance and support, identify goods that are made locally and in distant places.
Analyze Change, Continuity, and Context
EE.SS.1.20. Categorize events as past or present.
EE.SS.1.21. N/A
Critique Historical Sources and Evidence
EE.SS.1.22. Identify who created documents.
Iowa History
EE.SS.1.23. Identify past and present groups in Iowa.
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