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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topAlternate Inquiry Anchor Standard
Constructing Questions
EE.SS.8.1. Compare how the different social studies disciplines would answer a compelling question.
Constructing Supporting Questions
EE.SS.8.2. N/A
Gathering and Evaluating Sources
EE.SS.8.3. Locate and relevant information from multiple sources and determine its credibility.
EE.SS.8.4. N/A
Developing Claims and Using Evidence
EE.SS.8.5. Identify evidence that draws information from multiple perspectives and sources to support claims.
EE.SS.8.6. Identify a claim and determine a strength of the claim.
EE.SS.8.7. Construct arguments using claims and evidence from 1-2 sources.
Communicating and Critiquing Conclusions
EE.SS.8.8. Constructs response(s) to a compelling question using credible source(s).
EE.SS.8.9. N/A
EE.SS.8.10. N/A
Taking Informed Action
EE.SS.8.11. Identify challenges people face and opportunities created when taking action to address local and regional problems.
EE.SS.8.12. Choose from multiple democratic procedures to make decisions and take action in the classroom, school, and community.
Back to topAlternate Content Anchor Standard
Analyze Civic and Political Institutions
EE.SS.8.13. Indicate the powers and responsibilities of citizens.
EE.SS.8.14. Indicate the purpose and functions of the branches of government.
Engage in Economic Decision Making
EE.SS.8.15. Identify how economic decisions can affect an individual.
Critique Exchange and Markets
EE.SS.8.16. Identify an early American innovation and provide details on how it impacted the market economy.
Evaluate the National Economy
EE.SS.8.17. Describe regional economies throughout early American history.
Evaluate Human Environment Interaction
EE.SS.8.18. Identify how physical and human characteristics of a place or region influence culture.
Analyze Human Population Movements and Patterns
EE.SS.8.19. Identify factors that caused people to migrate in early American history.
Analyze Global Interconnections
EE.SS.8.20. N/A
Analyze Change, Continuity, and Context
EE.SS.8.21. Demonstrate connections between early American historical events.
Compare Perspectives
EE.SS.8.22. Identify how prevailing social, cultural, and/or political perspectives changed during early American history.
Justify Causation and Argumentation
EE.SS.8.23. Identify causes and effects of events/developments in Early American history.
Critique Historical Sources and Evidence
EE.SS.8.24. Examine the source of information, the writer, its context, accuracy, and usefulness when researching historical events such. Examples are: The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, Washington’s Farewell address, the Louisiana Purchase treaty, Monroe Doctrine, Indian Removal Act, Missouri Compromise, Dred Scott v. Sanford, and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
Iowa History
EE.SS.8.25. Identify the structure of government in Iowa.
Financial Literacy
Create a Saving and Spending Plan
EE.SS.8.26. Identify the components of a personal spending plan, including income, saving, and expenses.
Analyze Credit and Debt Levels
EE.SS.8.27. N/A
Evaluate Savings and Long Term Investments
EE.SS.8.28. Identify how saving can help meet financial goals.
Measure Risk Management Tools
EE.SS.8.29. Define insurance and identify its purpose.
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