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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topCounting and Cardinality (EE.K.CC)
Know number names and the count sequence. (EE.K.CC.A)
- Starting with one, count to 10 by ones. (EE.K.CC.A.1)
- Not applicable. See EE.2.NBT.2.b. (EE.K.CC.A.2)
- Not applicable. See EE.2.NBT.3. (EE.K.CC.A.3)
Count to tell the number of object. (EE.K.CC.B)
- Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence, pairing each object with one and only one number and each number with one and only one object. (EE.K.CC.B.4)
- Count out up to three objects from a larger set, pairing each object with one and only one number name to tell how many. (EE.K.CC.B.5)
Compare numbers (EE.K.CC.C)
- Identify whether the number of objects in one group is more or less than (when the quantities are clearly different) or equal to the number of objects in another group. (EE.K.CC.C.6)
- Not applicable. See EE.2.NBT.4. (EE.K.CC.C.7)
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (EE.K.OA)
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. (EE.K.OA.A)
- Represent addition as “putting together” or subtraction as “taking from” in everyday activities. (EE.K.OA.A.1)
- Not applicable. See EE.2.NBT.6-7. (EE.K.OA.A.2)
- Not applicable. See EE.1.NBT.6. (EE.K.OA.A.3)
- Not applicable. See EE.1.NBT.2. (EE.K.OA.A.4)
- Not applicable. See EE.3.OA.4. (EE.K.OA.A.5)
Number and Operations in Base Ten (EE.K.NBT)
Work with numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value. (EE.K.NBT.A)
- Not applicable. See EE.1.NBT.4 and EE.1.NBT.6. (EE.K.NBT.A.1)
Measurement and Data (EE.K.MD)
Describe and compare measurable attributes. (EE.K.MD.A)
- Classify objects according to attributes (big/small, heavy/light). (EE.K.MD.A.1)
- Classify objects according to attributes (big/small, heavy/light). (EE.K.MD.A.2)
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category. (K.MD.B)
- Classify objects according to attributes (big/small, heavy/light). (EE.K.MD.B.3.)
Geometry (EE.K.G)
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres). (EE.K.G.A)
- Not applicable. See EE.1.G.a. (EE.K.G.A.1)
- Match shapes of same size and orientation (circle, square, rectangle, triangle). (EE.K.G.A.2)
- Match shapes of same size and orientation (circle, square, rectangle, triangle). (EE.K.G.A.3)
Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. (EE.K.G.B)
- Not applicable. See EE.7.G.1. (EE.K.G.B.4)
- Not applicable. (EE.K.G.B.5)
- Not applicable. See EE.1.G.3. (EE.K.G.B.6)
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