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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topOperations and Algebraic Thinking (EE.3.OA)
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. (EE.3.OA.A)
- Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects and determine the sum. (EE.3.OA.A.1)
- Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects and determine the sum. (EE.3.OA.A.2)
- Not applicable. See EE.3.OA.1 and EE.5.NBT.5. (3.OA.A.3)
- Solve addition and subtraction problems when result is unknown, limited to operands and results within 20. (EE.3.OA.A.4)
Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. (EE.3.OA.B)
- Not applicable. See EE.N-CN.2. (EE.3.OA.B.5)
- Not applicable. See EE.5.NBT.6-7. (EE.3.OA.B.6)
Multiply and divide within 100 (EE.3.OA.C)
- Not applicable. See EE.7.NS.2.a and EE.7.NS.2.b. (EE.3.OA.C.7)
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. (EE.3.OA.D)
- EE.3.OA.8. Solve one-step real-world problems using addition or subtraction within 20. (EE.3.OA.D.8)
- Identify arithmetic patterns. (EE.3.OA.D.9)
Number and Operations in Base Ten (EE.3.NBT)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (EE.3.NBT.A)
- Use decade numbers (10, 20, 30) as benchmarks to demonstrate understanding of place value for numbers 0-30. (EE.3.NBT.A.1)
- Demonstrate understanding of place value to tens. (EE.3.NBT.A.2)
- Count by tens using models such as objects, base ten blocks, or money. (EE.3.NBT.A.3)
Number and Operations—Fractions (EE.3.NF)
Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. (EE.3.NF.A)
- Differentiate a fractional part from a whole. (EE.3.NF.A.1)
- Differentiate a fractional part from a whole. (EE.3.NF.A.2)
- Differentiate a fractional part from a whole. (EE.3.NF.A.3)
Measurement and Data (EE.3.MD)
Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. (EE.3.MD.A)
- Tell time to the hour on a digital clock. (EE.3.MD.A.1)
- Identify the appropriate measurement tool to solve one-step word problems involving mass and volume. (EE.3.MD.A.2)
Represent and interpret data. (EE.3.MD.B)
- Use picture or bar graph data to answer questions about data. (EE.3.MD.B.3)
- Measure length of objects using standard tools, such as rulers, yardsticks, and meter sticks. (EE.3.MD.B.4)
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. (EE.3.MD.C)
- Not applicable. See EE.4.MD.2. (EE.3.MD.C.5)
- Not applicable. See EE.4.MD.2. (EE.3.MD.C.6)
- Not applicable. See EE.4.MD.2. (EE.3.MD.C.7)
Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. (EE.3.MD.D)
- Not applicable. See EE.7.G.4 and EE.8.G.9. (EE.3.MD.D.8)
Geometry (EE.3.G)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (EE.3.G.A)
- Describe attributes of two- dimensional shapes. (EE.3.G.A.1)
- Recognize that shapes can be partitioned into equal areas. (EE.3.G.A.2)
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