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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topOperations and Algebraic Thinking (EE.2.OA)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (EE.2.OA.A)
- Not applicable. See EE.3.OA.4. (EE.2.OA.A.1)
Add and subtract within 20. (EE.2.OA.B)
- Not applicable. See EE.2.NBT.6-7 and EE.3.OA.4. (EE.2.OA.B.2) (DOK 1)
Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. (EE.2.OA.C)
- Equally distribute even numbers of objects between two groups. (EE.2.OA.C.3)
- Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged within equal groups up to a total of 10. (EE.2.OA.C.4)
Number and Operations in Base Ten (EE.2.NBT)
Understand place value. (EE.2.NBT.A)
- Represent numbers up to 30 with sets of tens and ones using objects in columns or arrays. (EE.2.NBT.A.1)
- (EE.2.NBT.A.2)
- Count from 1 to 30 (count with meaning; cardinality). (EE.2.NBT.A.2.a)
- Name the next number in a sequence between 1 and 10. (EE.2.NBT.A.2.b)
- Identify numerals 1 to 30. (EE.2.NBT.A.3)
- Compare sets of objects and numbers using appropriate vocabulary (more, less, equal). (EE.2.NBT.A.4)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (EE.2.NBT.B)
- (EE.2.NBT.B.5)
- Identify the meaning of the “+” sign (i.e., combine, plus, add), “–” sign (i.e., separate, subtract, take), and the “=” sign (equal). (EE.2.NBT.B.5.a)
- Using concrete examples, compose and decompose numbers up to 10 in more than one way. (EE.2.NBT.B.5.b)
- Use objects, representations, and numbers (0–20) to add and subtract. (EE.2.NBT.B.6)
- Use objects, representations, and numbers (0–20) to add and subtract. (EE.2.NBT.B.7)
- Not applicable. (2.NBT.B.8)
- Not applicable. (2.NBT.B.9)
Measurement and Data (EE.2.MD)
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. (EE.2.MD.A)
- Measure the length of objects using non-standard units. (EE.2.MD.A.1)
- Not applicable. (EE.2.MD.A.2)
- Order by length using non- standard units. (EE.2.MD.A.3)
- Order by length using non- standard units. (EE.2.MD.A.4)
Relate addition and subtraction to length. (EE.2.MD.B)
- Increase or decrease length by adding or subtracting unit(s). (EE.2.MD.B.5)
- Use a number line to add one more unit of length. (EE.2.MD.B.6)
Work with time and money. (EE.2.MD.C)
- Identify on a digital clock the hour that matches a routine activity. (EE.2.MD.C.7)
IA.1. Not applicable.
- Recognize that money has value. (EE.2.MD.C.8)
Represent and interpret data. (EE.2.MD.D)
- Create picture graphs from collected measurement data. (EE.2.MD.D.9)
IA.2 Use interviews, surveys, and observations to collect data that answer questions about students' interests and/or their environment. This standard is applicable for all students, including students with significant cognitive disabilities.(EE.2.MD.D.IA.2)
- Create picture graphs from collected measurement data. (EE.2.MD.D.10)
Geometry (EE.2.G)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (EE.2.G.A)
- Identify common two-dimensional shapes: square, circle, triangle, and rectangle. (EE.2.G.A.1)
- Not applicable. (EE.2.G.A.2)
- Not applicable. See EE.4.G.3 and EE.4.NF.1-2. (EE.2.G.A.3)
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