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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topReading Standards for Literature
Key Ideas and Details
- Cite text to support inferences from stories and poems. (EE.RL.8.1)
- Recount an event related to the theme or central idea, including details about character and setting. (EE.RL.8.2)
- Identify which incidents in a story or drama lead to subsequent action. (EE.RL.8.3)
Craft and Structure
- Determine connotative meanings of words and phrases in a text. (EE.RL.8.4)
- Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts. (EE.RL.8.5)
- Determine the difference in the points of view of a character and the audience or reader in a text with suspense or humor. (EE.RL.8.6)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
- Compare and contrast a text version of a story, drama, or poem with an audio, video, or live version of the same text. (EE.RL.8.7)
- (Not applicable to literature) (EE.RL.8.8)
- Compare and contrast themes, patterns of events, or characters across two or more stories or dramas. (EE.RL.8.9)
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
- Demonstrate understanding of text while actively engaged in reading or listening to stories, dramas, and poetry. (EE.RL.8.10)
Reading Standards for Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details
- Cite text to support inferences from informational text. (EE.RI.8.1)
- Provide a summary of a familiar informational text. (EE.RI.8.2)
- Recount events in the order they were presented in the text. (EE.RI.8.3)
Craft and Structure
- Determine connotative meanings of words and phrases in a text. (EE.RI.8.4)
- Locate the topic sentence and supporting details in a paragraph. (EE.RI.8.5)
- Determine an author’s purpose or point of view and identify examples from text to that describe or support it. (EE.RI.8.6)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
- Determine whether a topic is best presented as audio, video, multimedia, or text. (EE.RI.8.7)
- Determine the argument made by an author in an informational text. (EE.RI.8.8)
- Identify where two different texts on the same topic differ in their interpretation of the details. (EE.RI.8.9)
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
- Demonstrate understanding while actively reading or listening to literary nonfiction. (EE.RI.8.10)
Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
- Write claims about topics or texts.
- Introduce the claim and provide reasons or pieces of evidence to support it.
- Write reasons to support a claim about a topic or text.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable. (EE.W.8.1)
- Write to share information supported by details.
- Introduce a topic clearly and write to convey ideas and information about it including visual, tactual, or multimedia information as appropriate.
- Write one or more facts or details related to the topic.
- Write complete thoughts as appropriate.
- Use domain specific vocabulary related to the topic.
- Not applicable.
- Provide a closing. (EE.W.8.2)
- Write about events or personal experiences.
- Write a narrative about a real or imagined experience introducing the experience, at least one character, and two or more events.
- Not applicable.
- Use temporal words (e.g., first, then, next) to signal order.
- Use words that describe the feelings of characters or provide other sensory information about the setting, experiences, or events.
- Provide a closing. (EE.W.8.3)
Production and Distribution of Writing
- Produce writing that is appropriate for the task, purpose, or audience. (EE.W.8.4)
- With guidance and support from adults and peers, plan before writing and revise own writing. (EE.W.8.5)
- Use technology, including the Internet, to produce writing to interact and collaborate with others. (EE.W.8.6)
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
- Conduct short research projects to answer and pose questions based on one source of information. (EE.W.8.7)
- Select quotes providing relevant information about a topic from multiple print or digital sources. (EE.W.8.8)
- Use information from literary and informational text to support writing.
- Apply Essential Elements of Grade 8 Reading Standards to literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast themes, patterns of events, or characters across two or more stories or dramas.”).
- Apply Essential Elements of Grade 8 Reading Standards to informational texts (e.g., “Use relevant and sufficient evidence for supporting the claims and argument.”). (EE.W.8.9)
Range of Writing
- Write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (EE.W.8.10)
Speaking and Listening Standards
Comprehension and Collaboration
- Engage in collaborative discussions.
- Come to discussions prepared to share information previously studied.
- Follow simple rules and carry out assigned roles during discussions.
- Remain on the topic of the discussion when asking or answering questions or making other contributions to a discussion.
- Acknowledge new information expressed by others in a discussion and relate it to own ideas. (EE.SL.8.1)
- Determine the purpose of information presented in graphic, oral, visual, or multimodal formats. (EE.SL.8.2)
- Determine the argument made by a speaker on a topic. (EE.SL.8.3).
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
- Present descriptions, facts, or details supporting specific points made on a topic. (EE.SL.8.4)
- Include multimedia and visual information into presentations. (EE.SL.8.5)
- Adapt communication to a variety of contexts and tasks. (EE.SL.8.6)
Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
- Demonstrate standard English grammar and usage when communicating.
- Not applicable.
- Form and use the simple verb tenses (e.g., I walked, I walk, I will walk).
- Use appropriate verbs to match nouns.
- Not applicable. (EE.L.8.1)
- Demonstrate understanding of conventions of standard English.
- Use end punctuation and capitalization when writing a sentence or question.
- Not applicable.
- Spell words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of letter-sound relationships and/or common spelling patterns. (EE.L.8.2)
Knowledge of Language
- Use language to achieve desired outcomes when communicating.
- Use to-be verbs (am, are, is, was, were, be, become, became) accurately when writing and communicating. (EE.L.8.3)
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
- Demonstrate knowledge of word meanings.
- Use context to determine which word is missing from a content area text.
- Use frequently occurring root words (e.g., like) and the words that result when affixes are added (e.g., liked, disliked, liking).
- Seek clarification and meaning support when unfamiliar words are encountered while reading or communicating.
- Not applicable. (EE.L.8.4)
- Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and use.
- Demonstrate understanding of the use of multiple meaning words.
- Use knowledge of common words to understand the meaning of compound and complex words in which they appear (e.g., birdhouse, household).
- Use descriptive words to add meaning when writing and communicating. (EE.L.8.5)
- Use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases across contexts. (EE.L.8.6)
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