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Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.
Back to topReading Standards for Literature
Key Ideas and Details
- Answer who and where questions to demonstrate understanding of details in a familiar text. (EE.RL.2.1)
- Using details from the text, recount events from familiar stories from diverse cultures. (EE.RL.2.2)
- Identify the actions of the characters in a story. (EE.RL.2.3)
Craft and Structure
- Use rhyming or repetition to identify words that meaningfully complete a familiar story, poem, or song. (EE.RL.2.4)
- Determine the beginning and ending of a familiar story with a logical order. (EE.RL.2.5)
- Identify the speakers in a dialogue. (EE.RL.2.6)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
- Identify illustrations or objects/tactual information in print or digital text that depict characters. (EE.RL.2.7)
- (Not applicable to literature) (EE.RL.2.8)
- Identify similarities between two episodes in a story. (EE.RL.2.9)
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
- Actively engage in shared reading of stories and poetry for clearly stated purposes. (EE.RL.2.10)
Reading Standards for Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details
- Actively engage in shared reading of stories and poetry for clearly stated purposes. (EE.RI.2.1)
- Identify the topic of the text. (EE.RI.2.2)
- Identify individuals, events, or details in an informational text. (EE.RI.2.3)
Craft and Structure
- Identify words related to a topic of a text. (EE.RI.2.4)
- Identify details in informational text or its graphic representations. (EE.RI.2.5)
- Identify the role of the author and the illustrator. (EE.RI.2.6)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
- Identify illustrations or objects/tactual information that go with a text. (EE.RI.2.7)
- Identify points the author makes in an informational text. (EE.RI.2.8)
- Identify a common element between two texts on the same topic. (EE.RI.2.9) (DOK 3)
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
- Actively engage in shared reading of informational text including history/SS, science, and technical texts. (EE.RI.2.10)
Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
Phonics and Word Recognition
- Demonstrate emerging use of letter-sound knowledge to read words.
- Identify the lower case letters of the alphabet.
- Identify letter sound correspondence for single consonants.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Recognize 10 or more written words. (EE.RF.2.3)
- Attend to words in print.
- Read familiar text comprised of known words.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable. (EE.RF.2.4)
Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
- Select a book and write, draw, or dictate to state an opinion about it. (EE.W.2.1)
- Select a topic and use drawing, dictating, or writing to compose a message with one fact about the topic. (EE.W.2.2)
- Select an event or personal experience and use drawing, writing, or dictating to compose a message about it. (EE.W.2.3)
Production and Distribution of Writing
- (Begins in grade 3) (EE.W.2.4)
- With guidance and support from adults and peers, add more information to own drawing, dictation, or writing to strengthen the message. (EE.W.2.5)
- With guidance and support from adults and peers, use technology (including assistive technologies) to produce and publish writing. (EE.W.2.6)
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
- Participate in shared research and writing projects. (EE.W.2.7)
- Identify information related to personal experiences and answer simple questions about those experiences. (EE.W.2.8)
- (Begins in grade 4) (EE.W.2.9)
Range of Writing
- (Begins in grade 3) (EE.W.2.10)
Speaking and Listening Standards
Comprehension and Collaboration
- Participate in conversations with adults and peers.
- Engage in multiple-turn exchanges with peers with support from an adult.
- Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others.
- Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion. (EE.SL.2.1)
- During shared reading activities, ask and answer questions about details presented orally or through other media. (EE.SL.2.2)
- Answer questions about the details provided by the speaker. (EE.SL.2.3)
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
- Identify a photograph or object that reflects a personal experience and tell one detail about it. (EE.SL.2.4)
- Select visual, audio, or tactual representations to depict a personal experience. (EE.SL.2.5)
- Combine words when communicating to provide clarification. (EE.SL.2.6)
Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
- Demonstrate understanding of letter and word use.
- Produce all upper case letters.
- Use common nouns (e.g., mom, dad, boy, girl) in communication.
- Use frequently occurring pronouns to refer to self and others (e.g., we, they, him, her, them).
- Use frequently occurring verbs.
- Use frequently occurring adjectives.
- Combine two or more words together in communication. (EE.L.2.1) (DOK 1,2)
- Demonstrate emerging understanding of conventions of standard English.
- With guidance and support, capitalize the first letter of familiar names.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Identify printed rhyming words with the same spelling pattern.
- Consult print in the environment to support reading and spelling. (EE.L.2.2) (DOK 1)
Knowledge of Language
- Use language to achieve desired outcomes when communicating.
- Use symbolic language when communicating. (EE.L.2.3) (DOK 1)
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
- Demonstrate knowledge of word meanings.
- Demonstrate knowledge of new vocabulary drawn from reading and content areas.
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Identify the words comprising compound words.
- Not applicable. (EE.L.2.4)
- Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and use.
- Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., happy: “I am happy.”).
- Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of common verbs. (EE.L.2.5)
- Use words acquired through conversations, being read to, and during shared reading activities. (EE.L.2.6) (DOK 2)
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