Note: The Iowa Core Essential Elements are intended only for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who participate in alternate assessments.

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Reading Standards for Literature

Key Ideas and Details

  1. Answer who and what questions to demonstrate understanding of details in a text. (EE.RL.3.1)
  2. Associate details with events in stories from diverse cultures. (EE.RL.3.2)
  3. Identify the feelings of characters in a story. (EE.RL.3.3)

Craft and Structure

  1. Determine words and phrases that complete literal sentences in a text. (EE.RL.3.4)
  2. Determine the beginning, middle, and end of a familiar story with a logical order. (EE.RL.3.5)
  3. Identify personal point of view about a text. (EE.RL.3.6)

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Identify parts of illustrations or tactual information that depicts a particular setting, or event. (EE.RL.3.7)
  2. (Not applicable to literature) (EE.RL.3.8)
  3. Identify common elements in two stories in a series. (EE.RL.3.9)

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  1. Demonstrate understanding while actively engaged in shared reading of stories, dramas, and poetry. (EE.RL.3.10)
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Reading Standards for Informational Text

Key Ideas and Details

  1. Answer who and what questions to demonstrate understanding of details in a text. (EE.RI.3.1)
  2. Identify details in a text. (EE.RI.3.2)
  3. Order two events from a text as “first” and “next.” (EE.RI.3.3)

Craft and Structure

  1. Determine words and phrases that complete literal sentences in a text. (EE.RI.3.4)
  2. With guidance and support, use text features including headings and key words to locate information in a text. (EE.RI.3.5)
  3. Identify personal point of view about a text. (EE.RI.3.6)

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Use information gained from visual elements and words in the text to answer explicit who and what questions. (EE.RI.3.7)
  2. Identify two related points the author makes in an informational text. (EE.RI.3.8)
  3. Identify similarities between two texts on the same topic. (EE.RI.3.9)

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  1. Demonstrate understanding of text while actively engaged in shared reading of history/social studies, science, and technical texts. (EE.RI.3.10)
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Reading Standards: Foundational Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

  1. Use letter-sound knowledge to read words.
    1. In context, demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences.
    2. With models and supports, decode single-syllable words with common spelling patterns (consonant-vowel-consonant [CVC] or high-frequency rimes).
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Recognize 40 or more written words. (EE.RF.3.3)


  1. Read words in text.
    1. Read familiar text comprised of known words.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Use context to determine missing words in familiar texts. (EE.RF.3.4)
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Writing Standards

Text Types and Purposes

  1. Write opinions about topics or text.
    1. Select a text and write an opinion about it.
    2. Write one reason to support an opinion about a text.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable. (EE.W.3.1)
  2. Write to share information supported by details.
    1. Select a topic and write about it including one fact or detail.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable. (EE.W.3.2)
  3. Write about events or personal experiences.
    1. Select an event or personal experience and write about it including the names of people involved.
    2. Not applicable.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable. (EE.W.3.3)

Production and Distribution of Writing

  1. With guidance and support, produce writing that expresses more than one idea. (EE.W.3.4) (DOK 3,4)
  2. With guidance and support from adults and peers, revise own writing. (EE.W.3.5)
  3. With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce writing while interacting and collaborating with others. (EE.W.3.6)

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

  1. Identify information about a topic for a research project. (EE.W.3.7)
  2. Sort information on a topic or personal experience into two provided categories and write about each one. (EE.W.3.8)
  3. (Begins in grade 4) (EE.W.3.9)

Range of Writing

  1. Write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (EE.W.3.10)
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Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration

  1. Engage in collaborative discussions.
    1. Engage in collaborative interactions about texts.
    2. Listen to others’ ideas before responding.
    3. Indicate confusion or lack of understanding about information presented.
    4. Express ideas clearly. (EE.SL.3.1)
  2. Identify details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. (EE.SL.3.2)
  3. Ask or answer questions about the details provided by the speaker. (EE.SL.3.3)

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

  1. Recount a personal experience, story, or topic including details. (EE.SL.3.4)
  2. Create a multimedia presentation of a story or poem. (EE.SL.3.5)
  3. Combine words for effective communication to clarify thoughts, feelings, and ideas in various contexts. (EE.SL.3.6)
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Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

  1. Demonstrate standard English grammar and usage when communicating.
    1. Uses noun + verb, noun + adjective, and subject + verb + object combinations in communication.
    2. Use regular plural nouns in communication.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Use present and past tense verbs.
    5. Not applicable.
    6. Not applicable.
    7. Use common adjectives.
    8. Not applicable. (see EE.L.3.1.a)
    9. Ask simple questions. (EE.L.3.1) (DOK 1,2)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of conventions of standard English.
    1. Capitalize the first letter of familiar names.
    2. During shared writing, indicate the need to add a period at the end of a sentence.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable.
    5. Use resources as needed to spell common high-frequency words accurately.
    6. Use spelling patterns in familiar words with common spelling patterns to spell words with the same spelling pattern.
    7. Consult print in the environment to support reading and spelling. (EE.L.3.2)

Knowledge of Language

  1. Use language to achieve desired outcomes when communicating.
    1. Use language to make simple requests, comment, or share information.
    2. Not applicable. (EE.L.3.3)

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of word meanings.
    1. With guidance and support, use sentence level context to determine what word is missing from a sentence read aloud.
    2. With guidance and support, identify the temporal meaning of words when common affixes (-ing, -ed) are added to common verbs.
    3. Not applicable.
    4. Not applicable. (EE.L.3.4)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and use.
    1. Determine the literal meaning of words and phrases in context.
    2. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., happy: “I am happy.”).
    3. Identify words that describe personal emotional states. (EE.L.3.5)
  3. Demonstrate understanding of words that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., behind, under, after, soon, next, later). (EE.L.3.6)
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